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4 Tips for Success with VR in Your Escape Room

HomeInsights4 Tips for Success with VR in Your Escape Room

No doubt, progress dictates its own rules, causing inevitable and constant changes in every existing entrepreneurship sphere today. That’s why all successful companies never neglect any discoveries in the area of science, technology, and innovation – they adjust and implement them in their projects to keep up with the times.

The same thing is happening with VR in the escape room business: the technology, which used to be the subject of science fiction, is becoming increasingly popular among children, adolescents, and adults these days.

Immersion in a fantasy world, the effect of presence, and creating the fullness of real sensations with the help of technical innovations attracts lots of customers.

Indeed, a virtual reality escape room business is profitable and able to bring a steady income without depending on the season.

  • According to Goldman Sachs, the VR industry market size will be 32 billion in 2025.
  • More than 70% of Generation Z representatives are interested in VR.
  • About 80% of people, who have tried VR, tell their friends about it.

So, this industry promises to be huge, and the escape room audience becomes more and more sophisticated…

… Do you wanna be a successful entrepreneur that provides unique immersive experiences?

Scroll down to learn 4 basic tips for success with VR in your escape room that will outpace time:

Proper Location

Make sure that you choose a public place to accommodate your entertainment center. An ideal option would be a shopping center: a large crowd of people, and most importantly – lots of children, teens, and youth. They’re the potential customers who can fully recoup your business.

It’s better to locate your virtual reality escape room in places like:

  • Children’s clothing stores
  • Various food courts
  • Music stores
  • Movie theatres
  • Play Day points (slot machines)

Games and Equipment

The attractiveness of your center for clients will depend entirely on the variety and quality of virtual reality escape rooms. It is important to choose really good and powerful installations to ensure a smooth operation. Note that you shouldn’t skimp on equipment quality since your equipment is your street cred. Buy VR games only from reliable VR quest room developers.

Before opening the club, get everything you need and properly test the facilities. At the same time, get a guarantee from the developers and technical support for repair service.

Also, innovate on time. Pay attention to the latest trends in the world of gaming and virtual entertainment. You must be aware of what is happening ‘cause a VR escape room is a project that needs “tweaking”.

Pricing. Discounts.

Do not overcharge the cost of services. It is enough to indicate the minimum price for a short session to interest potential visitors at the initial stage. In the future, they will be ready to pay a higher cost for their favorite games.

Also, periodically, it is better to use alluring marketing strategies to attract customers. Offer discounts:

  • in less frequented hours
  • for large groups
  • for families
  • on the birthdays of clients
  • with a long visit to the hall, etc.

It is advisable not to skimp on this point since your profit depends on the number of users and the duration of their staying in your VR escape room.

Thoughtful Advertising Campaign

To determine which advertising methods are better to apply, you need to consider the presence of rival companies nearby.

If there aren’t any similar escape rooms in the area, it is enough to establish an attractive and noticeable sign and conduct an inexpensive advertising campaign in honor of the opening of the center. Further, the main way to engage clients will be free – it’s word of mouth.

But in large cities, which already have similar virtual reality rooms, it is desirable to pay attention to more active types of promotion:

printing products – business cards, flyers, etc.
announcements in the territory of the shopping center where your escape room is located
other advertising platforms – public transport, posters, media, banners, etc.
active online promotion: at this point, you should consider hiring a skilled SMM-manager.

VR escape room business has lots of prospects because this technology will continue to develop and surprise us, for sure. In turn, it means that if you keep up with the latest trends in the area, you will always have something new to offer your customers.

In other words, the recipe is rather prosaic: in order to achieve success with VR in your escape room, you should never stop modernization of your entertainment center.

Author is a Marketing Director at ARVI

Featured image: Source

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pearls of wisdom
Alex Pavlenko
Alex Pavlenko
Alex Pavlenko - is a Marketing Director at ARVI ( Being a researcher by nature, writer by passion, he is happy to share his life experience and professional knowledge with the VR junkies.
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