eBook for Sale! A SEED OF 3 GOALS, 1 VISION

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The ‘Three goals, one vision’ idea aims to bring people an awareness of having a fulfilling and meaningful life. Goals may be subdivided to have new sub-goals. Within the goals and sub-goals, a firm root of growth can be developed for lifetime success. Why not try to form a vision? This enlightens us to have three critical dimensions of the world for our well-being on this earth. These are termed goal visions because it has both periodical short-term goals and long-term vision. Short-term goals are crafted in the circle of needs and the long-term vision is crafted in the circle of dreams. What do we need? It is discovered by carefully sorting and evaluating our interests, passions, and tastes. Each goal-vision works upon the inside-out approach of an individual.

eBook title: A Seed of 3 Goals, 1 Vision
Author: Panchal C A
Price: 1.99 USD
Accepted Payment: PayPal


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