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How to Find a Good Workout Buddy

HomeWellnessHow to Find a Good Workout Buddy

Not everybody is motivated enough to push themselves to work out on their own. Finding a workout buddy is an ideal way to push yourself to stay motivated and on track to reach all of your fitness goals. If you are ready to take this step to find a workout buddy, here are three places to begin your search for that perfect partner:

Look at Your Existing Network

When you first begin your search for a workout buddy, it is always a good idea to start with your existing friends and family network. The people that you are closest to will most likely provide you with the most accountability for your actions. A workout partner who you are already tight with in real life will also make you the most comfortable. This is especially important if you are starting a new workout routine that is out of your normal comfort zone. Without having to spend time getting to know each other, you can jump right into your routine and get right to business.

Look at Your Work

Your place of work is also a great place to find a compatible workout buddy. One of the biggest advantages of a workout partner from your work organization is that you two will likely have the same schedules, making it easy for you to find the time to fit in your exercise. You could even possibly exercise over your lunch break. Consider using a wellness challenge as a way to get people interested in doing an exercise program together. These challenges are popular in many offices because they encourage people to get fit by making it a social activity.

Look at the Gym

If you are already a member of a gym, your workout buddy might be right under your nose. While you are at the gym, look around and see if you can find people who have a similar fitness level and interests as yourself. These will be ideal candidates for a workout partner. If you tend to notice the same people working out at the same time as you each day, you will already know that their schedule is compatible with yours.

While you may have to put yourself out there to find a solid workout buddy, the payoff will be significant. It will not take long for you to start seeing the benefits of exercise and this external motivation and support system.

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