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3 Myths of Toll Roads Dispelled

HomeInsights3 Myths of Toll Roads Dispelled

The American road was once the envy of the world. Americans during the middle of the last century began to hit the roads and enjoy not only the convenience of a direct route to their location but also a smooth ride. Today, however, those roads are beginning to show their age, and local and state governments are doing little to update the infrastructure. This political infighting within governments has allowed private organizations to build their own roads, often called toll roads. However, there have been a few misconceptions about various aspects of the toll road. Thus, the following list includes dispelling three common myths regarding toll roads.

Tolling Is Double Taxation

When the government taxes the public, it is often for a project that the public will benefit from. Some of these include schools, the police force, and, of course, public streets. The notion that a toll is double taxation is a myth because toll roads are not something people are forced to use but rather something they choose to use. Simply said, if you don’t use the road, you don’t pay for it.

Rental Cars Don’t Have to Pay Them

It can be easy to think that car rentals won’t be charged for using toll roads; after all, they aren’t registered to a person nor have a resident address. Some states offer e-tolls, so it doesn’t seem like you’re being tolled, but you are. Rental companies, because they already have your card on file, will charge you for those toll road uses after you’ve turned in the car.

They Violate Privacy

Yes, toll roads will utilize technology to take a picture of your license plate in order to send you a bill later on. However, contrary to popular belief, toll road operators take careful measures to make sure that your data is protected. In fact, many times, personal data is only stored until you’re able to be billed. In addition, toll operators go through constant training to make sure that your data is protected as much as possible. Other measures, such as software patches, make it difficult for would-be thieves to hack into their systems.

Toll roads, since their introduction, have had a number of misconceptions placed on them. Although they might not be perfect, they’re no doubt a great convenience to many who use them to get to work quicker. The above-mentioned misconceptions are just the tip of the iceberg, so we suggest conducting further research on this topic to gain a better understanding.

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