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4 Parental Positive Ways to Deal with Differently-Abled Kids

HomeEducational4 Parental Positive Ways to Deal with Differently-Abled Kids

Having blessed with a special child is also a blessing of Allah (SWT).  Those who devote their energies in raising their special issue earn Allah‘s immeasurable rewards every day.  This is what I believe being a mother of a 7-year-old child with a minor Down’s Syndrome. 

Being a mother of a differently able kid is not easy. Today I am writing this blog to cheer up those special moms who always listen to the daily societal chants of sympathies and consolation.  These piteous moms must always be mindful that their special kids are the special gift of Allah (SWT).  This is what I realized when I went for my special spiritual visitation at Makkah in last December through December umrah packages.

There is also an awe-inspiring story behind my splendid unprecedented spiritual visitation. When my loving husband announced that “be packed up we are going for Umrah this coming December “!  A mixed sort of ineffable feel of excitement with motherly worries surrounded my heart.  What about our son? Who will look after him?  I just asked my husband.   He is going with our dear!!  He promptly replied to me.  I will handle him you don’t worry. Having said this, he went outside the room. ! These words were like beyond relaxing medicine for me.  What a super soothing Umrah I had with my beloved family!  I don’t have words to explain.

No Need of Denial

So instead of being pity be positive on your faith because any child with any different Not ‘dis’ ability has something really special that you must realize. Instead of going into the denial or leaving your special kid into any orphanage, be proud to own them.  Tell the world that you are a special parent to a special child. There is no shame in it.

This blog of mine is for the blessed couples who have become the new parents of any differently Abled kid.  I would like to encourage them to proudly own their child in front of the whole world and never receive the disturbing sympathies of society.

Positive Productive Ways to Deal with Differently-Abled Kids

Here are some positive ways that I had adopted right after becoming the mother of a child with Down’s syndrome.

Acceptance with Heart and Soul

The first and foremost step is acceptance with all your heart and soul. I know well that Acceptance is something very difficult indeed. The heart-piercing emotions like “Why this Why that and Why me! Are obvious” This is what I felt after the first glimpse of my cutie kid.

But with the passage of time being a mother, I learned to accept it with all my heart. My child is mine. He is my part. He is with me. So why worry?

So any new blessed special parent who is going through this blog must absorb that your child is your reality. Your child is your priority. It is the will and gift of Allah (SWT) for you.

Start Loving Your God’s Gift

The second most important thing after acceptance is love, respect, and care for your child.  Prioritize the need for little special teeny weenie over every other worldly affair. Remember that nobody in this heedless society would accept your different kid if you don’t give your actual pure parental love that he needs from your side.

Remember that any intentional negligence towards your special child would lead you in hot waters in the hereafter court of Allah (SWT). Never forget that you are accountable before your children as a parent.

Have an Open Table Talk with Your Kid’s Learning Institute

Please don’t and don’t let anyone catcall your child. Otherwise, it will create havoc in the self-esteem of your kid. If your child has any sort of physical or mental problem that makes him different from other normal robust kids, then it is highly suggested to talk about this with your kids’ teachers or Institute’s Management.

This will make your kids save from the undue bullies and jokes of his/her class fellows in schools.  Your open table talk would make the management more meticulous and considerate towards the special learning needs of your child.

Teach Your Normal Kids to Behave Decently with their Special Sibling

If any of your kids are struggling with some sort of physical, mental, or emotional disability, you must instruct your other normal children to treat them wisely and decently. Always keep in mind that siblings play an extremely important role in the betterment of their especially able brother or sister. It is the religious duty of the normal sibling to love care and respect the differences with their different sibling. They must be very careful not to hurt the sentiments of their special sibling with their words, expressions, and actions.  Any negligence or heedlessness can have a disturbing impact on the special mind of your special kid.

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Mustafa Ali
Mustafa Ali
I’m Mustafa and I like to share my passion for travel, nature, and religious culture with others. I’ve been exploring the world for the last two years, and have finally realized it’s time to put my skills to use.
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