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How Video Marketing Help to Drive Traffic and Conversion?

HomeContent MarketingHow Video Marketing Help to Drive Traffic and Conversion?

With everything going digital, every business, brand, or organization would need video marketing. It is something that has become very obvious now. Going by the definition, video marketing isn’t a tough thing to deal with. How difficult can it be to promote your business or product via a video? To be honest, videos have turned out to be an inseparable tool of the marketing mix, in recent times. Be it in the form of customer testimonials, explainer videos, ad videos, training videos, BTS videos, or simply live videos.  So what is the reason behind the marketers going all crazy for videos? Let’s have a look. 

Video Marketing: A boon for Marketers

Not one, not two, but the benefits of video marketing are plenty. And that’s one reason why video marketing is so loved. 

SEO Loves Video Marketing

It can build your web crawler positioning and that’s such a benefit for you as a marketer. After Google, YouTube is the second largest search engine and you have the benefit of being there via video. 

Videos Trigger Conversions

Going by the facts, more than 50% of the audience that has watched a video before, is triggered to buy the product or service mentioned in the video. That surely explains why videos have a convincing impact on viewers. 

Videos are Easily Available and Simple to Consume

Be it a social media platform, or a search engine like YouTube, videos are easily available. And the best part is that videos are quick. The viewer will not have to do anything apart from simply watching it. 

Videos Are Fun

Since videos are so connecting and engaging, they also have a fun factor. That’s the reason why they are the most preferred form of content to be consumed by the audience. They are easy to share, and fun to watch. This means that your audience will not mind sharing your video if you’ve hit the right point. 

With that being said, let’s have a look at different types of videos that can be used for marketing your product or service

Before you start shooting, you first need to decide the kind of video(s) you need to make. Look at this rundown to be all the more likely to comprehend your alternatives. 

1. Demo Videos 

Demo videos feature how you or your product functions — regardless of whether that is taking watchers on a voyage through your product and how it tends to be utilized or unpacking and scrutinizing a physical item. 

Figure out how to utilize video in each phase of the purchaser’s excursion. 

2. Brand Videos

Brand videos are commonly made as a piece of a bigger publicizing effort, exhibiting the organization’s elevated level vision, crucial, items, and administrations. The objective of brand videos is to assemble mindfulness around your organization and to interest and pull in your intended interest group. 

3. Occasion Videos

Is your business facilitating a gathering, round table conversation, pledge drive, or another sort of occasion? Produce a feature reel or discharge intriguing meetings and introductions from the social occasion. 

4. Instructive or How-To Videos

Instructional videos can be utilized to show your crowd something new or assemble the fundamental information they’ll have to more readily comprehend your business and arrangements. These videos can likewise be utilized by your deals and administration groups as they work with clients. 

5. Master Meetings

Catching meetings with interior specialists or thought pioneers in your industry is an extraordinary method to manufacture trust and authority with your intended interest group. Discover the influencers in your industry — regardless of whether they share your perspective or not — and get these conversations before your crowd. 

6. Animated Explainer Videos

This sort of video is utilized to enable your crowd to all the more likely comprehend why they need your item or administration. Numerous explainer videos center around an anecdotal excursion of the organization’s center purchaser persona who is battling with an issue. This individual beats the issue by receiving or purchasing the business’ answer. 

7. Client Videos

Your possibilities need to realize that your item can (and will) take care of their particular issue. Perhaps the most ideal approach to demonstrate this is by making contextual analysis videos that include your fulfilled, steadfast clients. These people are your best supporters. Get them on camera depicting their difficulties and how your organization understood them. 

Find how organizations like yours utilized HubSpot to successfully actualize promoting, deals, and administration arrangements. 

8. 360° and Augmented Reality Videos

With 360° videos, watchers “look” around to see content from each edge — as though they were truly remaining inside the content. This circular video style permits watchers to encounter an area or occasion, for example, investigating Antarctica or meeting a hammerhead shark. Computer-generated reality (VR) permits watchers to explore and control their experience. These videos are generally seen through gadgets. 

9. Live Videos

Live video gives your watchers an uncommon, off-camera take a gander at your organization. It likewise draws longer streams and higher commitment rates — watchers spend up to 8.1x longer with live video than with video-on-request. Live-stream meetings, introductions, and occasions, and urge watchers to remark with questions. 

11. Enlarged Reality (AR) Videos

In this style of video, a computerized layer is added to what you are presently seeing on the planet. For instance, you can point your telephone’s camera at your parlor and AR would permit you to perceive how a lounge chair would glance in the space. The IKEA Spot application is an incredible case of this. Even though delivering a video may appear to be quite encouraging, it needs to supplement the general procedure of the organization and have the option to produce the necessary rate of profitability. This may sound overwhelming on the off chance that you are new in the business. In any case, with the correct techniques and plans, you can utilize video advertising to support traffic and increment changes. 

If facts are to be talked about, a lot of marketers have agreed to the fact that video marketing has proved to be a boon for brand awareness as well. These facts demonstrate that video advertising assumes a basic job in the showcasing and marketable strategy and system. We should concede that the numbers don’t lie.

At the point when we talk about video, we make it synonymous with YouTube videos. Even though this is the most widely recognized structure, it is nevertheless only one of the shifted stages. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are other similarly animating on the web stages where you can post an extraordinary video. What is required is crude, unadulterated, and genuine content that is pertinent to the business and matters to the watchers. 

Sell a Story

A video focused on legitimately selling an item or administration can be annoying for people in general. This is the reason it is desirable to turn a story around an item and spotlight it on portraying that story. A story accumulates more consideration and traffic. One can add a source of inspiration or a URL to leave no last details. Be that as it may, these must be set sagaciously in the video. 

The Best 10 Seconds

With the expectation of portraying a very much-made story, remember that for the most part, one-fifth of the watchers click away a video in the initial 10 seconds or even less. The underlying 10 seconds must persuade the watcher to watch the entire video. It must be quickly appealing and engaging. The push can be because the video was amusing, useful, or one that works up interest. Those 10 seconds are the most urgent for any video. Use them to the most extreme. 

Infectious Labels and Searches

More than making and recording an amazing video, it is significant that the video arrives at the intended interest group. This is conceivable if there are legitimate and reasonable labels joined to the video. Appropriate utilization of Web optimization systems will likewise make the video increasingly obvious. 

Use People as A Thumbnail 

A video with a grinning person as a thumbnail draws in a bigger number of watchers than a video with plain messages. As indicated by a test by Wishpond, the grinning picture on the video had the option to expand the organization’s benefits by 10.7%. This is adequate confirmation that, even in the present advanced world, nothing looks more captivating than human connection.

Did you realize that natural commitment is most noteworthy on Facebook when posts contain videos? Or then again that just including “video” in your email’s headline can build open rates by 19 percent? One organization ventured to test whether video thumbnails in an email pamphlet would expand commitment and they found that it was very effective. They detailed that almost 41 percent more individuals drew in with the email if it had a video thumbnail, instead of a static picture or just content. 

In a disengaged advanced world, individuals are searching out manners by which they can feel a feeling of commitment and association. That is one clarification of how legitimate narrating using video is demonstrated to build commitment. Regardless of whether it’s through activities like remarks, likes, or offers if individuals are reacting to your video showcasing content, that is an extraordinary sign that you’re destined for success. 

Much the same as a client tribute or item audit can assist with building trust in your organization, your image, and your item, they can likewise assist with boosting commitment. Watching somebody exhibit how your item or administration improved their productivity or tackled their concern is a lot more acceptable (and significant) than simply perusing an article about it. 

Does Video Marketing Help Your Business?

Pages with videos are a few times bound to rank well on Google. Google additionally will in general position YouTube content well. 

Videos can help improve email navigation and open proportions. Simply including “video” in the title can assist increment with opening rates. 

A few examinations have discovered that business pages that have videos convert better than those without. There might be a few explanations behind this, yet videos may help keep guests on a page longer. Likewise, individuals like visual content. 

Having a video can open up web stages that content or straightforward photographs can’t reach. YouTube is an undeniable model, however, there are others. Likewise, videos will in general change over and connect well with every single informal organization, even those that aren’t just situated towards video. 

After you put resources into quality video advertising content, you may ask why you ought to need to contribute considerably additional time or cash to advance it. While the interest for good videos is as yet developing, so is the number of new videos that get transferred every day. To appreciate the profits that your significant content merits, you have to educate individuals regarding it. 

You might have the option to advance your content with stages and channels that you have just set up. These are some straightforward instances of approaches to ensure that heaps of individuals see your content: 

Post routinely on long-range interpersonal communication sites. If you simply post on more than one occasion, numerous social site clients are probably going to miss it. 

Utilize your content to respond to inquiries regarding significant issues. You may look through outsider discussions and question-and-answer destinations for subjects that identify with your industry and content. 

Improve your own site’s video pages to rank well in web indexes. You ought to improve for enormous web search tools and video-sharing and social destinations. 

Incorporate a notification about your new video to your present endorsers. On the off chance that you have email, content, or channel supporters, let them realize that you have a new video for them to watch. 

At times, you may even choose to go through some cash on paid advertisements. You’ll most likely find that it’s simpler and less expensive to elevate your content than to pay to promote your items or administrations. Video advertisements have been performing admirably on destinations like Facebook, and you can utilize them to improve your compass or site traffic.

Summing up, video marketing is a favorite of SEO and search engines, and that drives traffic and conversions to your business. All you gotta do is, use it wisely considering all the tactics mentioned above.

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Prashant S
Prashant S
I am a digital marketing manager at MotionGility - An Animated Explainer Video Company in India. We are helping individuals and small to enterprise-level companies by providing smart solutions such as Explainer Video, Whiteboard Video, Educational Video, and many more solutions. For any query or business partnership, you can contact us at


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