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8 Ways To Encourage Online Learner Reflection – Discover The Best Online E-Learning Platform

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The world of online learning is gaining widespread attention during recent years. This is mainly due to the genuine efforts being made to make the process of online learning as effective as possible. If you want to explore this world of online teaching or learning, there are some important aspects you should be aware of. One of the important factors here is reflecting on the subject matter and also putting the same into practice. Online learner reflection through a well-crafted online e-learning platform can be facilitated using several key ways.

Unique ways to facilitate effective and result-oriented online learner reflection:

Real-world projects

One of the cool ways to do the same is to assign online learners a real-world project. This will be followed by a knowledge-sharing process. If online group collaboration projects are incorporated effectively, online learners will be able to observe the subject matter from various viewpoints. This will help them to reflect on their personal cognitions.

Thought-provoking interaction

A unique way to trigger self-reflection is introducing thought-provoking questions. Sometimes, learners keep believing that they know everything about what is being discussed. But, a line of such thoughtfully-crafted questions will help them reflect more by diving into the real-world applications. Task-based online learning can help tutors to streamline the process.

E-learning blogs

Online learners should be encouraged to start their own e-learning blogs. This will help them to improve their understanding; also a fresh perspective can be formed. Blogs, on the other side, can be ideal sources for the real feedback. Any idea or concept can be explored with this medium. The correct way to develop an informative, engaging, relatable and impressive blog can be explained to the learners.

Mind maps

This another interesting method will present a problem, image or a word in the middle of the screen to the learners who then begin to uncover newer solutions or ideas. Mind map can be considered as a brainstorming tool. It allows online learners to reflect on various aspects related to the subject matter. As the process begins, sub-topics, tasks and skills can be unveiled. Meanwhile, online learners will learn to create the own mind maps and also discuss with the peers through an interactive session.


E-learning assessments are probably the best ways to understand what progress online learners are going through and what needs to be worked upon. This move will make learners aware of the personal areas for improvement. Following this, learners can seek various useful online resources to facilitate an effective improvement process. But, here, providing immediate e-learning feedback is very important. Tutors can even share supplemental online resources. 

Share e-learning experience

In this step, learners can summarize e-learning content in their own words. This way, they can easily absorb key takeaways and even improve their comprehension levels. Also, the learners should be encouraged to share their e-learning experience as a whole and what or how they feel about the same. This actually improves knowledge retention. The entire e-learning experience will be more relatable, as a result.

Real-world e-learning activities

The teaching-learning process becomes more impactful and makes more sense when real-world e-learning activities are incorporated. For example, learners can be made realize how they are supposed to react to the disagreeable customer or deal with various types of conflicts. Such activities will make them understand how to put their skills into action. There are various types of e-learning activities that one can use such as engaging branching scenarios, incorporating interactive simulations, etc. Trainers or tutors should take a keen interest in crafting such activities that engage learners in the best possible manner.

Challenge assumptions

Re-evaluating your assumptions will help you to avoid obstacles in your progress. Trainers should make sure to encourage learners to challenge their assumptions by asking various types of questions. Trainers or tutors can use their creativity and figure out different ways. This will make the session as interesting and productive as possible.

So, there are various such unique and interesting ways to encourage the learner reflection in e-learning. Experienced and knowledgeable tutors are familiar with platforms for teaching online and can help you to take the best advantage of online e-learning platform which itself has earned laurels for its significant contribution in the said field. There are some online educational platforms which specialize in providing comprehensive courses and have been recognized as the best online platforms for education. Get associated with one and build a strong foundation for successful career in tutoring and elsewhere. Such online e-learning platforms for education can work best in terms of building a successful and fulfilling career; they can also give you an excellent exposure in terms of expanding your abilities and overcoming challenges. Join one today.

pearls of wisdom
Kiera Peterson
Kiera Peterson
Myself Kiera Peterson, a passionate and qualified writer interested in writing about nature, travel, Business, Health, Fashion etc. You can find my efficient writing skills which could give you interesting ideas as per your need.


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