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Exercise and Hormones: 8 Hormones Involved in Exercising

HomeVital EdgeExercise and Hormones: 8 Hormones Involved in Exercising

Exercising has been proven to have tons of benefits in the human body. Working out has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. It also is a good way to prevent yourself from aging quickly. A visit to the gym for a couple of times a week prevents you from going to the anti-aging clinic. And even though anti-aging doctors are doing a great job at making you look you but nothing can replace natural gains.

Aside from a younger look, exercising can help you maintain your proper weight, and being physically fit leads to more energy and avoidance to breathing problems. Exercising can also improve your memory and brain health. Exercising causes a higher heart rate which means that blood and oxygen flow in the brain is promoted. And because of the energy that has been used in every workout, sleep quality is also improved.

Moreover, exercise is not only beneficial in physical terms. Exercise also plays a huge role in hormonal secretion. These hormones benefit the most every time the body is exercised.

Here are some of the hormones that release during exercise.


When a workout begins, the nervous system limits insulin release. Insulin decreases glucose levels present in the blood. Every time blood sugar levels get on a higher level; the role of insulin is to store glycogen and glucose. This is possible because insulin promotes the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream to skeletal muscles or fat tissues. Before exercising, never consume foods with high sugar levels like sports drinks because it might promote insulin production instead of being used as a fuel for physical activity, the best way to consume these is when the body already perspired.


Like insulin, glucagon is also released by the pancreas into the bloodstream to maintain normal metabolic levels. Glucagon releases free fatty acids and increases the levels of glucose in the blood. During exercise, glycogen levels are reduced, and it is the job of the glucagon to release glycogen stored in the river. Unlike the insulin which regulates glucose storage, glucagon regulates the release of glucose. Exercise helps to maintain normal sugar levels as it breaks sugar levels down the body.


Cortisol facilitates the breakdown of triglyceride and protein creating glucose needed to fuel exercise. Furthermore, cortisol’s main function is to respond to stress, low blood sugar, and exercise. When the body experiences physical stress from exercise or recovering from a workout, cortisol is released by the adrenal gland. Make sure to never put too much time in working out, or the cortisol in your body will catabolize muscle protein used for repairing damaged tissue and turn it into fuel.

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine might be different from each other, but they are nothing less than related. They are both produced by the adrenal gland and plays an important role in helping the sympathetic nervous system during cardio-respiratory exercise. These hormones regulate the body’s function and produce energy during this process. Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline increases blood sugar, supports metabolism of fat, helps in breaking down glycogen, and increases cardiac output. On the other hand, Norepinephrine functions the same as its counterpart with a slight difference of constricting blood vessels to body parts that do not take part in the exercise.


Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the testes in males and the ovaries in females. Testosterone repairs muscle proteins after every workout and as a muscle protein re-synthesizer. Testosterone also plays a huge role in the growth of skeletal muscles. Males produce more testosterone than women, which explains why men are more physically strong than women. Some even go to testosterone therapy clinics to undergo testosterone replacement therapy to boost their muscle growth, libido, or other capabilities.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Human growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland. Human Growth Hormone is responsible for cellular growth. Human Growth Hormone can also be responsible for muscle protein synthesis, muscle growth, increase of bone density and mineralization, and an agent for lipolysis or fat metabolism. During the REM cycle in every sleep, the body produces Human Growth Hormone which allows humans to grow taller until reaching a certain age. HGH can also be stimulated by high-intensity workouts. And like testosterone, HGH injections and therapy is also available in the market. They are considered as a performance-enhancing drug that is why they are banned in professional sports. In some cases, HGH therapy is used for its anti-aging benefits.

Insulin-like Growth Factor

Insulin-like Growth Factor is a hormone with almost the same sequence and molecular structure to insulin and stimulated by the same mechanisms the Human Growth Hormone, but unlike the HGH which is produced by the pituitary gland, Insulin-like Growth Factor is produced by the liver. This helps the HGH to repair broken muscle tissues during exercise. Insulin-like Growth factor also helps in decreasing glucose levels present in the blood.

Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor

Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor is a protein and a neurotransmitter that helps the stimulation of the production of new cells in the brain. Exercising regularly helps in creating these new cells by producing more BDNF. This helps people with brain injuries. Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week is proven to release BDNF’s, which helps as a catalyst in the neuro-healing process. BDNF improves the function of neurons, encourages their growth, and strengthens/protects them against premature cell death.  It also binds to receptors at the synapses, to improve signal strength between neurons.

Hormones do have an important part in regulating the status of our physiology. Exercise helps our body to maintain its physical health and hormones help to achieve the goals of why workouts are being done. We know that hormones are responsible for emotions, reproduction, cognition, and growth. One way of stimulating these hormones is through exercise. If you ever have a problem regarding your hormones, you can call a HGH professional for assistance.

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