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Unique Gift Ideas for Kids Who Love Video Games

HomeInsightsUnique Gift Ideas for Kids Who Love Video Games

Video games are more popular today than ever before with sales topping over $43 billion in 2018. Of course, many of those video game fans are kids, large swaths of whom seem utterly obsessed with video games and video game culture. When it comes to getting them a gift, you can always get them a new game, but there are often alternative gifts that may work even better. Here are three great and unique gift ideas for a child who is utterly obsessed with video games.

Streaming Gear

In addition to playing video games, many people like to stream their gaming experience, meaning broadcasting it over the internet, so others can watch, chat and maybe make a donation. This is done with a variety of games, including everything from the Call of Duty first-person shooters to calmer, creative games like Minecraft. If you have a child who is obsessed with video games, check out purchasing streaming gear. This includes microphones, cameras, chairs, headsets and more. These are some of the basic equipment that any video game streamer needs.

Game Server

Game servers are the literal hardware that video game players can use to play multiplayer games against each other or interact in Minecraft. Popular games tend to have lots of server options depending on what they want to do. However, some more invested players take it one step further and purchase their own server. This is a dedicated piece of hardware designed for use by your child whenever he or she wants. This is more than just a convenience. It’s a status symbol that shows one’s complete dedication to video games.

Homemade Merchandise

Sure, you can always go to a big-box store and purchase a plushy, but why not do something more creative? Art fairs and websites like FamilyDivine will often offer more customized, creative video game toys and gifts, including a custom t-shirt with picture, key-chains, dolls, and more. Better yet, you can use the internet to commission a custom piece of art that is whatever you want it to be. This gives you a chance to even incorporate the child you are buying the gift for into the artwork.

Video games are more than a form of entertainment. They are a way of life. Thankfully, there is no shortage of gifts you can buy that are related to games. Show some creativity, and check out these options. The child in question will not be disappointed.

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