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Major Tech Concerns When You’re Starting a New Business

HomeTechnologyMajor Tech Concerns When You're Starting a New Business

No matter what kind of business you are in, you have to deal with technology. In order to reach out to clients, balance the books or track inventory, you rely on some kind of computer program or web platform. When you are first starting out, it is easy to get lost in all the different tech solutions to business problems. However, there are some tech issues that you want to address at an early stage so that you have a strong foundation for the years ahead.


The security of your computer systems and data is critical to the life of your business. Any piece of malware or ransomware will disrupt your work at a basic level. Data breaches are another concern. Even if you do not keep sensitive information on your server, your client contact information can be used for sending spam or other malware attacks. If your clients find out that your system is the source of the breach, it will be difficult for them to trust you with their data in the future.


A growing number of software companies produce programs that can run on multiple operating systems. However, some software will only run in Windows or on a Mac. If you are looking for a software program or app for your business, make certain that it can run on all of your current devices. Otherwise, you will have the added expense of purchasing compatible equipment. It is also important to remember that older programs may not run on modern systems and new programs may not run on older hardware.

Software Licensing

There are important differences between the apps you can use on a tablet or smartphone as an individual user and apps and programs you use for your business. Many personal apps support themselves through advertising. However, the most commonly managed IT software used by businesses tends to have licensing restrictions for businesses.

The conditions of business software licenses vary in flexibility and price. Some licenses ask you to pay a fee for each device that uses the software. If a single employee installs the program on several devices, it can lead to an unexpected expense. Other licenses give you blanket coverage to use the program as you see fit. Large software companies will perform periodic audits to make certain that businesses are sticking to the terms of a license.


When you’re starting a new business, you’re likely trying to figure out how to best save money. You probably are looking for areas in which you can cut some costs in order to be able to pay for everything you need to. However, technology is not something you should really skimp on when starting your business. Investing in technology is an important investment in your business. Thankfully, that doesn’t mean you need to shell out too much money—there are ways you can save if you do your research and approach it wisely. On the one hand, you often get what you pay when it comes to tech. If you choose the cheapest option, you may be disappointed with the results. On the other hand, it is very easy to pay for features that you do not need. Consulting an IT specialist may help you get a realistic view of your technological needs.


There will always be a learning curve when it comes to new tech. When a new system or program goes online at your business, it will take time for your employees to learn to use it naturally. However, the amount of time it takes to learn a new system can take away from the productivity of your staff. Some companies are better than others at producing user-friendly programs. It can be helpful to read user reviews of a system to see whether it will be a good fit for your business.


As your business grows, your tech needs to grow as well. New employees will need hardware, software and the training to use it. You may need to improve your wireless internet network to handle greater demand. Otherwise, you will have issues with employees who cannot log on.

You also want to look at flexible solutions that can grow with you. Your first location may only have a single point-of-sale system. As you expand, you may find that you want to accept online orders and other ways of making payments. Software that only works with a single POS will limit your ability to grow and adapt. Make sure that you constantly reevaluate your business practices so that you can adjust things to better fit the growing needs of your business.

Data Storage

The amount and type of data storage you need depends on your business. A small business may be able to function with a relatively small amount of data stored on a computer hard drive. Larger businesses, where multiple users need to access the same data, may want their own servers. Cloud-based data storage is another option that protects your data from natural disasters and makes it easily accessible to your employees.

Remote Access

A number of businesses are allowing their employees to do at least some of their work from home. Other businesses have sales employees who are frequently on the road. In both cases, these employees need to be able to access your network at a distance. This can raise both security concerns and practical concerns. There are several remote access solutions that will allow your employees to make a secure connection to your network so they can access the files they need. This increases your business’s flexibility while protecting your data.

Developing a tech strategy is an important part of starting your new business. By assessing your needs and examining your options, you will save yourself headaches later on. A business that understands the essential nature of technology now will be ready for growth in the future.

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