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Top 5 Mobile Trends Bound to carry on Influencing the World Post COVID-19

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The Covid-19 pandemic is not only going to affect the economy but also has a major impact on our day-to-day life. It would be childish to think that things would remain the same even after post corona. There will be major changes in each person’s life. Nowadays everyone hugely depends on technologies and businesses. The impact of the pandemic is negative to most businesses, but it has also opened the gates of technologies to swoop in.

We were already using these technologies, but now we are using them in a major way. Since the new normal and keeping the Covid-19 in mind, it has increased the use of these technologies. Such increment in the requirement and usage is because that these technologies come under the new normal norms the government has issued to combat Covid-19. They keep social distancing to the maximum, an automated process also enhances productivity during this phase of minimum human-to-human contact. So let’s just look at some emerging technologies that help businesses even after post-Covid-19 phase.

1. Cloud computing:

The applications that are integrated with cloud computing were already in use, but during this pandemic, the platforms are gaining the popularity that it deserves. It has unique features that let you access the servers remotely, and along with this, it can store an enormous amount of data. The storage capacity comes as one of the most useful features of cloud computing, and it helps many companies to work during these hard times. Looking at the perks and the growth, we all can say that cloud computing will be with us in the post Covid19 world.

As now we all know how this virus spreads, so the government advised people to stay at home. This increases the cloud-based video conferencing and e-Learning. Cloud service providers such as Microsoft and Zoom understand the requirement, thus, they upgrade their functions and features along with offering resources that fulfill the basic demands.

Alibaba Group started the “Attending Class at Home” program, which offers students an e-Learning platform along with providing learning tools. “Online Classroom” functionalities are now mandatory for students of all institutions, be it a school or college all across China. This program initiative has helped millions of students to learn from the comfort of their home, and it also reached to students of rural areas. 

As students and professionals are getting used to of these new methods of teaching. Business and teaching institutes are using these technologies in full-fledge. Without a doubt, the requirement of this technology will increase, but it is significant to make it easily accessible for mobile applications.

2. Virtual reality/Augmented Reality (VR/AR):

During this self-isolation period, VR is considered being the one of topmost entertainment for people. According to the recent reports, the number of people who used VR headphones to play video games and virtual travel destinations has increased rapidly during this “staying at home” period. Since the days of lockdown are extending, humans are looking to have human-to-human interaction. The desire is fulfilled with the help of VR social media platforms like Rec Room, Bigscreen, Altspace VR, and VRChat.

Companies are training employees, holding conferences, and working on projects and connecting with people virtually through VR platforms. The perfect example is that pharmacists and scientists across the world are using a AR-VR app development platform called Nanome to research on coronavirus and its potential treatment.

Businesses across the world now know to what extent these technologies can be used for and don’t be surprised if you see this virtual press conference as a part of the new norm post coronavirus.

3. 5G Connectivity:

The hype of 5G is around us from the last couple of years and in some countries, it is already in use. It is considered being the next generation of connectivity. 5G is a new network infrastructure, and it is not just a changed version. 5G transforms the whole mobile network connectivity and it potentially has no limits. Although, many telecom providers are only offering limited 5G services.

The reason behind this uncertainty is that the telecom providers were not much aware about the demand for 5G services from the customers. However, the situation will change post this Covid-19 pandemic and we can see the 5G network soon. As working or learning is from home so many users are increasing the load on the network, demand for higher bandwidth has circulated.

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

The user’s behavior won’t be the same the way it was pre-COVID-19. We can say that consumers will buy more goods online and people will work from a distance. Although, the government has allowed a few companies to work again to minimize the economic losses. Artificial intelligence will be beneficial for businesses to become accustomed to the new trends. 

Industries that will hugely benefited by the use of AI is retail and supply chain. AI includes machine learning and data analytics to help businesses in understanding the purchase pattern and offering unique experiences to their online customers.

AI tools analyze the data to understand the pattern, human behavior, and detect human images and speech, permit the computer system to make appropriate decisions. Devices that have AI will learn automatically. The advanced features of AI are going to be very helpful for companies in adapting the new normal post this coronavirus pandemic.

5. Voice-Tech in Mobile Apps:

There are chances that coronavirus spread through the smartphone’s screen, as normal human beings touched their smartphone 2600 times in a day. This has forced the users to reduce the times they touch their phone’s screen. Thus, they use voice tech in the mobile phone as an alternative method.

According to the recent survey, it was found that US smartphone owners are already using voice tech in their gadgets to ask basic questions, news, and updates on traffic and play music, weather reports. Smart-home gadgets like TVs, light switches, plumbing, and electric appliances are now integrated with voice control functions which eventually decrease the spread of the germs causing coronavirus.


Situations in this competitive world will always change. Technologies that earlier, no one was talking is now people are using it extensively. The above-mentioned technologies are already helping a lot of companies and sustaining their business in these difficult times. Other industries that are looking to start again over are now thinking of adopting these technologies in their business to survive in this competitive world. 

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