In an ideal world, your salary should increase over time. Unfortunately, if you don’t meet company metrics or if there are budget cuts, you could face a pay cut sometime during your career. If this happens you are going to need to be prepared with a plan of action so that you don’t find yourself in a sticky situation.
Cut Spending
To keep your finances from going into the red, you need to immediately cut your spending. If you own a home, you can’t do much about a mortgage payment, but you can cut back on utility payments. If you rent, you may want to consider finding a cheaper place to live. Fast-food, and microwave dinners can be really expensive. You can cut back significantly on your food costs if you make and prepare your food from home. You’ll also find that you’ll probably be eating healthier. You can further save money by putting a limit on your leisure budget. Cancel some of your streaming subscriptions. If you live near a co-worker, ask them if they would be interested in car-pooling to save on gas.
Make Money on the Side
If you still aren’t making ends meet after cutting your spending, consider looking for ways to get a little income on the side. You could start a side hustle, like selling a product, DJing, lawn-care, etc. If these are successful enough, they could turn into a full-time job. You could also use your car to get money by having it wrapped in an advertisement. It can take up to 5 days for a wrap to be completed. So be sure to plan ahead.
Look for Alternative Work
There may be reasons that you want to stay at your current company. Maybe the pay cut is just a short-term effort to prevent layoffs. While you may feel obligated to stay, keep in mind that you don’t have to. Even if you don’t want to leave, you should start looking around for other companies that need someone with your talents. You may find that there are better offers out there for you. Remember that financial struggles and pay cuts could be a sign that your company is going out of business. At the very least, if you end up losing your job, you’ll already be well on your way to getting a new one.
It can be hard not to take a pay cut personally. But keep your head up. Just because your talents and abilities aren’t being recognized at your current company doesn’t mean that you aren’t valuable. Keep looking for ways to move forward and you’ll soon be doing better than you were before.
Read this next: How to Make a Change When Your Career Isn’t Working Out