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12 Steps to a Well-Organized Kitchen

HomeWellness12 Steps to a Well-Organized Kitchen

There are people in the world who would say that the kitchen is the heart of home. It’s a place where family, and sometimes friends, get together to dine and chat. We can agree that it’s one of the most visited rooms in the house! However, one of the main problems many people face is keeping their kitchen neat and organized. 

From cutlery, silverware, food, and spices to cleaning supplies, one kitchen has got to have it all. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with so many items that our kitchens get messy. That’s certainly against your aesthetic goals. So, you need to find a way to organize your kitchen and keep it that way for a long time! How can you do that?

1. Start with what you have

Unless you’re planning on completely remodeling your kitchen, you’ve got to start with what you have. Remodeling will cost you a lot of money and take too much time. You need to have a functional kitchen for everyday use.

Even though you may love or hate your current sink and stove, you’ll need to make them work for you. So, what can you do? The position of your sink, oven, fridge, freezer, and dishwasher command the layout of the entire space. You need to adapt your kitchen according to large home appliances.

2. Set a realistic time-frame

Organizing your kitchen will take some time. You can’t expect yourself to do it overnight. Everything needs a proper plan; therefore, you also need to plan the process of organisation of your kitchen. Hence, the first thing you should do is set a realistic time frame for the process.

Depending on the size of your kitchen, try to set a time frame according to your goals. Keep in mind that you should start small! A cupboard or two is more than enough to get you started. Then see how it goes from there. Additionally, don’t start things that you won’t be able to finish on time. It will only frustrate you. 

3. Declutter!

Are there a lot of items in your kitchen you don’t need? Start by decluttering. Don’t worry, you’ve got to start from somewhere! Many people say that the kitchen is the easiest room in the home to declutter. It’s probably because we’re not as emotionally attached to the items in the kitchen as we are to the things in other rooms. Who would’ve thought?!

One of the main rules you should follow when decluttering the kitchen is being ruthless. For most items, it’s quite obvious whether you’re going to use them or not. However, there are some things you might need in the future. Even if you do give them away or donate them, you can always borrow them from a family member or your neighbor.

4. Empty your kitchen

When it comes to decluttering, what helps is completely emptying your kitchen. All the cupboards, cabinets and drawers may contain a lot of stuff you didn’t even know you had! Even though this seems like a lot of work, you can easily see how many dishes you own.

On top of that, clearing out your space can help you throw away food that is no longer good. Besides, once you empty your kitchen, it will be much easier to clean every corner of it!

5. See if there’s anything missing 

Once you’ve sorted everything out away from the kitchen, you can finally see if how much stuff you have. This is a fantastic opportunity to see whether anything is missing from your shelves. For instance, you’re a couple of wine glasses short. It’s a marvelous excuse to hit the road and go shopping!

While you’re there you can purchase a couple of useful containers you didn’t even know you needed. However, you need to be careful! Buying too many things can create additional clutter in your kitchen, so, shop smartly!

6. Create stations

One of the most important things when it comes to organizing a kitchen is creating stations or work zones. What are those? Workstations can make your life a lot easier. Here’s how you can do that!

Divide your kitchen into sections. Your microwave, oven, and stove are your cooking areas. Cabinets with clear countertops are ideal for operating, chopping, mixing, etc. The next area is your cleaning station, where the sink and dishwasher are located. It’s a suitable spot for storing cleaning supplies as well. And last, but not least, your storage area, where you’ll be able to store food, cutlery, glasses and plates. 

7. Use space-saving containers

Does anyone have enough storage space in their kitchen? Since many kitchens are small but functional, they usually don’t offer a lot of storage space for your necessities. Avoiding chaos in spaces like these isn’t easy. That’s why you need to get the most out of those areas by using space-saving containers. How can you do that?

One of the best options is to get a couple of stackable see-through food containers you can store in your cupboards. Pour your cereal, flour, sugar, and other ingredients into those containers and organize your kitchen safely. 

8. Know what goes where

The easiest way to create a complete mess in your kitchen is by misplacing an item. Imagine placing a frying pan amongst the glasses. Boom! You’ve created a mess as there is no more place for your glasses, and you won’t be able to locate your pan. 

Therefore, creating designated spaces for your items is essential. For example, keep your glasses neatly stored above your sink. Besides that, you also need to store your ingredients properly. Some need to be stored in the fridge, some in the freezer while others can stay in the pantry. Keep track of that! 

9. Keep essentials at arm’s reach

Even though sorting things by functionality can work perfectly, you must remember daily use. Some items, like silverware, salt, and bowls you use daily. Therefore, storing them at the other end of the kitchen can only confuse you and create unnecessary clutter. 

The best solution is to keep your essentials at arm’s reach. If your cooking station is in the central part of the kitchen, keep your necessary spices and dishes nearby. Even though you cook in the kitchen, you need to make the kitchen work for you!

10. Maximise pantry space

Pantry is usually one of the messiest parts of every kitchen. We simply throw there a lot of things we might or might not need. That’s why you need to get the most out of your pantry space and super functional for you!

Since every kitchen is different, we can’t tell you how to organise your pantry. However, there are a couple of pantry storage solutions for every kitchen design! Besides organizing it neatly, you should customise the place so it suits your needs. One of the easiest ways to do so is by grouping items by functionality. Group similar items together, and you’ll find it easier to find exactly what you need. 

11. Keep the floor clean 

You certainly know how messy kitchen floors can get. A dribble of hot oil here, a wet puddle there, and you’ve got yourself in danger of slipping and falling! No matter what kind of floors you have in your kitchen, you need to keep it clean and tidy to prevent serious injuries. 

But how can you do that without having to completely change the floor type in your kitchen? Consider using kitchen floor mats to stay safe. They are usually made out of rubber and anti-slip material which keeps you up and about in the most important room of your home. 

12. Use your space completely

Even though organizing your kitchen allows you to maximize the use of the space you have, many people overlook secret tips and tricks they can use to create even more storage space. What can you do?

Instead of jamming everything in the cabinets and creating a mess, you can use the cabinets’ doors to make more room for your stuff. For instance, you can place a holder on the inside of the cabinet doors and store small, but necessary items there! That’s an amazing way of keeping your space effective and creating a functional kitchen design you’ll love.


As you can see, organizing your kitchen may not be the easiest task there is. However, it’s certainly worth your time! By organizing your kitchen so it serves you, you’ll maximize your functionality and effectiveness in that room. So, don’t waste time placing cutlery and dishes from one pile to another. Organize your kitchen and keep it tidy for a long time!

pearls of wisdom
Jasmine Anderson
Jasmine Anderson
Jasmine Anderson is a lifestyle and beauty blogger based in Australia. She is an incurable daydreamer, who finds inspiration in little, everyday moments. Spending time at her cozy home office with her two cats, writing her blog, is her favorite thing in the world.


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