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Using 9 Education Strategies Like The Pros

HomeEducationalUsing 9 Education Strategies Like The Pros

Education strategies after the Covid lockdown need changes. What drew students’ attention earlier might not work now. Therefore, there is a shift required in the learning plan and academicians have to work hard on it. During the last two years, students had the option to convince someone else to take my classes online but now, they are back to routine and bound to take their on-site classes.

The times are tough, for both, students and teachers but together we can bring solutions to this, too. It is high time we bring alterations to our learning methods and help students actively participate in classroom discussions. When done right, these strategies can stimulate students’ interest and help them reach their learning objectives.

Below are the 9 pro-education strategies that institutes must not forgo now. These will help teachers teach like an expert and help students ace their academic grades. So, let’s begin.

1. Limited Lecture Time 

The overdose of the lecture can limit your students’ attention and there are chances they will lose their motivation. Moreover, when the lectures get long, they get boring regardless of how interesting the topic is.

Therefore, it is recommended to not stretch a lecture to more than 45 minutes. 25-30 minutes is an ideal span to deliver a lecture, however, not more than 45. Also, It is good to engage students in some exciting activity after 20 minutes of lecture to keep them hooked and captivated.

Later, the teacher can return to delivering her remaining lecture. This practice longer the students’ attention span and helps them understand concepts better.

2. Students-Led Classrooms

Have you seen your students playing teacher-teacher? It is one of the games students love to play. So why not turn it into a fun yet learning activity? Every day before you start lecturing, call one of your students for the review from the last class and give them at least two minutes to deliver word on it.

It is one of the best instructional strategies through which you can keep your students alert and responsive. Sharing this knowledge also helps students hold them longer and they might repeat the same in their playdates as well. When you allow students to be a teacher for a few minutes, more are chances they will learn something that they otherwise would not.

3. Cooperative Learning 

Cooperative learning, also known as the jigsaw method is proven by experts as they believe nothing breaks the ice among students like it. This strategy involves the engagement of students and benefits in them exchanging ideas with their classmates and encourages teamwork. When students work with others and see different points of view, they become more welcoming to other person’s opinions and become more patient and responsible.

This strategy helps with self-confidence, problem-solving and improves students’ cognitive skills. Cooperative learning is one of the best ideas to expose students to different life skills and help them become mature in their roles.

4. Technology in Classrooms 

Technology reached the floors of classrooms even before the pandemic hit us. However, today it has become an important tool to be in school. Integrating technology into learning is an excellent way to make students tech-savvy and more aware of real-world technological developments.

Moreover, it is found in studies that tech-rich learning motivates students to concentrate on their class and aids them in engaging better. You can use smart boards for multimedia presentations, web portals for homework submissions, graphics, VR for virtual trips, etc. All these implications are beneficial for better understanding. However, must be used moderately.

5. Graphic Organizers 

To present the boring lessons in a drawing manner, take support of graphic organizers. Knowledge charts, graphs, etc. are all part of this strategy and shrink the data in the briefest manner. Furthermore, you can use the same tools for students and ask them to brainstorm their thoughts and pen down their ideas.

These tools can be used for anything and are one effective education strategy to bring your students’ attention. Students via these graphics get to learn information in a new light and they might adopt more than they would from the textual content.

6. Gamification

Gamification is an interesting way to turn students’ love for games into students’ love for learning. It is a productive way to bring students to focus on a boring course and help them learn better.

You won’t see a single student not benefiting from this resource. Gamification stimulates students’ interests and helps build some essential cognitive skills in them.

However, there must be clear rules and regulations to leverage this strategy and bring this plan into action. Also, when using individual gamification tools for learning, such as VR headsets, teachers must keep a strict eye on students.

7. Station Rotation

The best blended learning method to use in physical classrooms is station rotation. It transforms your traditional classrooms into modern and virtual presentation rooms and helps students engage like none other.

In this method, students rotate in a classroom on a fixed schedule among a variety of modalities. It is usually practiced in small groups and a station is made within the class. Station rotations motivate students and aid in a remarkable understanding of a notion or concept.

8. Flipped Classrooms 

Regardless of what mode of teaching you are in, flipping classrooms can always be a valuable practice. This strategy includes shifting a class from one place to another. The lockdowns too took this strategy seriously and we saw the flip from physical classes to online classes.

It is one of the most resulting strategies for active learning. The pre-recorded lectures can also come under the same umbrella and benefits students to study whenever and wherever they want.

Additionally, teachers do not necessarily have to work very hard on it. A prerecorded lecture on YouTube, a TED talk, or a podcast can also do. The liberty students get through this strategy helps them with decision-making and improves their collaboration skills.

9. Addressing Mistakes 

I won’t be wrong if I say students love picking out teachers’ mistakes. You accidentally spill a wrong word and boom! They’ll instantly pick it out. What if we take the advantage of this favorite of theirs and use it for their benefit. Well, this is possible. Every time you teach a new concept, try making mistakes for some common notions.

The more students will correct you, means the better they have a grip on those courses. Deliberately make some grammatical errors or change a few words from some common definitions. When they correct you, take lead from that situation and give a mini-lesson with some plus from the same topic.


Since the lockdowns are over and students are back to school, they cannot ask their friends to take my classes online. Therefore, educators must work hard on some sound educational strategies to bring back their students’ attention to physical classes. Though you can take help from the above strategies, some might not work as fruitful for you. However, not all of them will be futile, you can still count on the productive ones.

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