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Teeth Issues You Should Deal With While You’re Young

HomeWellnessTeeth Issues You Should Deal With While You’re Young

Dental hygiene is very important–all the more so when you’re still an adolescent. The habits you develop early will affect you for years to come. Here are some problems you should make sure to deal with as soon as possible.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth can be nasty. Growing in at strange angles, they often cause big problems with the rest of your mouth. Their size can result in the rest of your teeth shifting drastically. This results in significant tooth and jaw pain, as you can imagine. Wisdom teeth that haven’t been attended to can result in infections and worsening pain. 

Neglect on your part might mean extensive and expensive damage. It’s always best to get them removed as soon as you realize that they are coming in. Wisdom teeth removal is a relatively simple surgery that often is covered by dental insurance.

Alignment Issues

Even if you don’t have problems with wisdom teeth, it’s very possible that you may experience alignment issues at some point. There is enough variation in the placement of the teeth and jaws that alignment issues are actually quite common in teens and even adults. There are many ways to tackle such issues – including braces, retainers, and headgear. Braces come in variations that include metal, ceramic, and translucent construction.

Clear braces mean you may not be as self-conscious about how you look. If you do end up using some kind of corrective gear, make sure that you follow the instructions you are given exactly in order to fix the problem as quickly as possible.


The fundamental habits of dental hygiene are essential. Every conceivable dental problem (while neither inevitable nor certain) can be avoided more easily with food brushing and flossing. You should work to develop those habits now. The first major dental issue that most young people encounter includes cavities. While cavities can and should be avoided with good brushing and flossing, they also are common enough that they might occur regardless. An unattended cavity will worsen, creating holes in neighboring teeth and causing severe pain. See a dentist regularly to catch them and fix them before they get very serious.

While addressing dental problems as a teen or young adult can be annoying or even embarrassing, it’s far better than the alternative. Give your mouth and teeth the care that they deserve. You’ll have a beautiful smile for your entire life that you will never regret.

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