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“We burn or bury…Why not donate”…? by Sr. Sicily Chittilappilly

HomeWellness"We burn or bury...Why not donate"...? by Sr. Sicily Chittilappilly

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By donating part of our body, we give life to someone, who is in utter need of our valuable help. Organ Donation is a powerful social expression of our human solidarity and of social charity.

Organ donation

Into a broken world of sorrows and suffering. Where human life has been impaired by diseases, pain, suffering, agony, and is very much threaten by death, into this world. God has called you and me to provide comfort, consolation, solace, and relief for his suffering.

It demands highest quality of dedicated services, along with scientific knowledge & social skill, and a generous heart to sacrifice part of our own precious body, in order to bring a precious life back to a poor exhausted body.

What nobler task could there be than to help to prolong a human life, to make it more useful, more fruitful, more meaningful, and more human?

We are the chosen people of God, we are the echo of Christ’s words,”Come to Me all you that labor and burdened” (Mt.11:28).  How precious it is to be able to serve, to be at the disposal of others, and to be of use to someone, who is in utter need of our help. It is important to recall here that this “Some One” is none other than Jesus Christ Himself. He made it very clear when He said,”As long as you did it to one of these my least brothers and sisters, you did it unto Me” (Mt, 25:40).

Dear friends, please remember that by offering our own precious body, we become part of a patient, supplying a leg to the lame, hand to the paralyzed, an eye to the blind, a kidney to the failed kidney, and a liver to the cirrhosis liver.

How rewarding and meritorious it is to realize that”He shall Live Because of Me” (Jn 6:57).

As ardent followers of Jesus Christ, God has entrusted to us every other person and the whole human race. By offering our own body to the person in utter need, we allow him/her to have social life, “Life in All Its Fullness” (Jn, 10:10).

Please remember that after our death, our body is going to be buried / burned, and going to be perished forever. Why not we donate our precious body for the survival of another precious life?

Charity done through the precious gift of our own life.

It is of great value and highly rewarding in the sight of God.

What is Organ Donation?

It is the process through which organs from alive or deceased person is retrieved through the process of harvesting.  The retrieved organs are then transplanted to the person in need.

According to 2015 statistical data, only 1% of Indians donate organ, while the demand is very high. Daily average about 18 patients die, waiting for a donor, unable to get the donor.

Some notable Donor,  Manikantan, a 22 year old car driver, suffered a brain injury. It was in road accident on March 3rd 2015 in Vijayawada. His family decided to donate his vital organs to save 8 lives.  Family is happy that Manikantan could continue to live and give life for 8 people. One brain dead donor can save 8 social lives.

Dear friends, “Please do not take your organs to heaven, heaven knows that we need them here “.

                            “We burn or bury…Why not donate”…?

Do you know that about 123,000 people are eagerly waiting for an Organ. For their survival, save a precious life by pledging your organ? You need to register online for this generous social work. National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) is a

National level organization, set up under Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Gov. of India, New Delhi.

pearls of wisdom
Sr.Sicily Chittilappilly
Sr.Sicily Chittilappilly
Sr. Sicily is a missionary sister of Jesus Mary Joseph convent. She has lead great administrative work in the field of hospitals and also served as principal in the field of nursing institutions. Humble and simple are the two sweet words that describes her as epitome of peace and happiness. Her social work activities to the people are extraordinary and most awesome.


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