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The Scary Truth About Texting And Driving

HomeEducationalThe Scary Truth About Texting And Driving

Text messages changed the way we communicate. Texting allows us to multitask by casually engaging in conversations while doing other things. We sneakily text our friends throughout our work day, we check messages before we decide how we’re going to respond, and we even sometimes engage in multiple conversations at the same time. None of this would be possible with a traditional phone.

However, the rise of the text has also contributed to some major negatives in our society. One of those downsides is that too many people view texting while driving as an acceptable thing to do. Personal injury lawyers have seen a rise of cases that involve texting and driving in recent years.

Distracted Driving: The Scary Side of Texting

Driving while distracted is just as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 6 percent of fatal accidents involved a distracted driver. In 2015, 3,477 Americans were killed in such accidents. Many of these cases end up going to court, where personal injury lawyers must prove that the distracted driver was at fault.

Most people who text while driving don’t have malicious intentions. They simply overestimate their own abilities and underestimate how quickly an accident can occur. Research shows that a car traveling 55 miles per hour will travel the length of a football field in the time it takes for the average person to glance down at a simple text message. A driver might assume that they have time due to the fact that the road ahead is clear, but all it takes is an unexpected swerve to lead to an accident. Personal injuries can change the way you live your life every day. Getting the right kind of legal help to protect your rights are of the utmost importance.

Texting While Driving: The Statistics Paint an Ugly Picture

It can sometimes be difficult to prove whether someone was texting while driving or not. Therefore, it’s likely that there are more texting-related accidents than we are aware of. Experts are referring to the issue as an epidemic in the United States, and many public service campaigns have been enacted to help make people aware that texting while driving is not safe.

Car crashes are the top cause of death for teenagers in the United States.
Americans are driving more than ever before which also contributes to more dangerous roads.

A Frightening Scenario: What to Do If You Are Involved in a Crash Caused by a Texting Driver

If you were involved in an accident, it’s likely that you didn’t see what was going on in the other car prior to the crash. However, this isn’t always the case. For example, if you were on the freeway and noticed another driver texting at the wheel, and then a few moments later, that same driver veered into you and caused you to crash, then you may be able to testify that the driver was distracted. If you choose to pursue a personal injury case, this information may be vital to your ability to come out ahead.

Even if you are not sure that the other driver was distracted, you might be certain that you were not at fault. You deserve compensation for the medical bills, financial losses, pain and suffering and other negative experiences that occurred as a result of the wreck. This is when it becomes crucial to find a good attorney with experience in personal injury cases.

After the Crash: Finding a Personal Injury Attorney You Can Trust

In the immediate aftermath of a crash, your medical care should be the priority. You’ll also want to file a police report, take pictures of the scene and gather contact information from any witnesses. If this is impossible due to your injuries, the police, a family member or a good Samaritan at the scene may be able to help you out.

Next, you’ll need to find a good personal injury attorney. Look for a personal injury attorney with experience that is specifically related to car accidents. If possible, you should look for someone who has worked cases that involved distracted driving. This type of personal injury attorney will have the experience necessary to come up with a plan for proving that the other driver was indeed distracted and at fault.

The license to drive is a privilege and not a right. Never feel bad about pursuing a personal injury case. You deserve compensation, and hiring a qualified personal injury lawyer will give you the best chances of coming out ahead.

Christopher S. is an author from Tulsa, Oklahoma who is passionate about encouraging safety for drivers while working with the Gorospe Law Group Personal Injury Attorney Law Firm in Tulsa, Oklahoma to educate and promote safety and accident prevention.

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