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Why Social Media Marketing Doesn’t Work As You Plan?

HomeContent MarketingWhy Social Media Marketing Doesn't Work As You Plan?

Social Media Marketing is the new buzzword among most corporate Business houses; businesses, both, large and small are getting onto the bandwagon! Social Media Agencies are mushrooming everywhere and provide Social Media Marketing services.

But what really is Social Media Marketing (SMM)? Social Media Marketing is a great way for any Business to reach the masses. It is an internet marketing tool that uses social media platforms and websites to engage with existing / potential customers. It allows for activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and other content that makes audience engagement possible at a real time.

However, there are a couple of reasons WHY Social Media Marketing doesn’t work as it should…

1. Failing to plan is planning to fail!

First and foremost, Social Media Marketing can be a huge waste of time and money without a proper plan in place. Many Businesses deceive themselves by randomly posting updates/content to their social media accounts, sharing a bit of content here and there and trying to attract followers. Social media marketing should have specific goals, budgets and a solid plan of action just like any other marketing campaign.

2. Measuring the Wrong numbers

Measuring the number of fans following you on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. is not an indicator of how well your Business is doing. Many Business marketing heads fall into the trap of numbers! You should be measuring the quantum of growth in your Business sales due to the impact of Social media marketing.

3. Making it too complex

Choosing platforms that are vital to your marketing goals allows you to keep a track of your own targets and objective without complicating too much. Simplicity is the key.

4. Failing to respond to your customers

It’s all about engaging with your customers! Social Media Channels are not meant for only posting data/content; your business website is available for that purpose. Social Media platforms are built as networks to make conversations happen, to allow for discussions on topics and to share content. When a person posts a comment, be sure to respond. Whether positive or negative, every comment, post, tweet presents an opportunity to communicate with the customer directly.

On the other hand, your social media updates are of no use if no one shares or responds to them. If you do not get the required responses or if there is no activity around your posts, then reconsider your marketing strategy and/or the content.

5. Self-Promotion

I don’t think anyone would like to hang out with a Narcissist. Would you? Making it all about you, all the time can make the most interested audience bored! Do not make every Facebook post, every tweet etc. a promotional AD campaign! Many Businesses make the mistake of talking too much about themselves, their events, products, news etc. The truth is, in order to succeed, you must speak the language of the audience. Know what they want and give them exactly that. Every single follower on a social media has a mindset of “what’s in it for me”?

Enlisting the help of a reputed Social Media Agency can go a long way in creating a formidable brand presence. Many of the Social Media Agencies specialize in social media planning, strategy development, and provide creative and customized online solutions.

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