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Read or Listen nonfiction books in only 12 minutes

HomeEducationalRead or Listen nonfiction books in only 12 minutes

Just reading books won’t change your life, until you start implementing whatever you are reading. Most people just pick up some random self-help book and start reading it, without doing any further action. So, what is the point of reading?

I am here to help you solve this problem with 12min

My name is Guilherme Petrin, or only Guil. I am the Co-founder & India Head of 12min – Android & Ios. Over the next lines I would like to explain to you what we do and why you should give us a try and join our users community  – we just crossed one million users and we are in over 18 countries (; – So, please stay with me and let me help you achieve your full potential (:

Ah, and if you are an Indian and hungry for knowledge, I have some news for you! But , no discrimination , everybody is welcome on 12min haha.  

So, What exactly is 12min?

Nowadays the world requires something that filters out the irrelevant concepts and extracts the key-findings from valuable sources.

12min emphasizes the value of time, and it does the hard work for you. The users want something that can facilitate the access to the most applicable and actionable information in all spheres such as personal development, career, motivation, marketing, management; you name it.

We highlight  the fundamental concepts from the greatest nonfiction books. 12min tries to answer people’s cry for assistance. The name “12min” originates from the simple idea of digesting these microbooks delivered to you through all devices in approximately 12 minutes.

12min gives you the opportunity to:

Read/Listen anywhere, anytime. 12min works offline, so no excuses, listen/read your favorites microbooks inside the train, when a meeting got delayed, etc. Everytime is a good time for learning something new (;

Accelerate the ascension

Absorb a ton of knowledge relevant to your goals

Become a consistent performer

Learn new skills, methods, and techniques each day

Have tricks up your sleeve

These are the book categories that you can find on the app:

Health & Welfare



Politics & Philosophy & Social Sciences

Motivation & Inspiration

Marketing & Sales

Management & Leadership



Money and Investments

Each of these categories, give you a glimpse into the future, something will keep you up-to-date with the latest trends. You wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance to plunge into a river of knowledge available through the right channels.

Why you should join our team of hungry knowledge users?

Because our app is unlimited reading. That is it. If you don’t want or don’t have the money to pay our subscription price (no worries, we have the best price ), you still can read all our library without spending a single cent

Besides being unlimited reading, we have what we called “your daily pick”. Everyday a new book that you can listen and read and it is free
Because, C’amon, are you going to spend your free time on social media or binge watching some crap video? Instead, go for a book summary. You will feel better and will definitely just aggregate positive things in your life

We have the best price as well for having access to the completely audio content, so I think, this is a good reason as well; 12min is a social platform as well. So, you can invite and follow your friends that are on the app. This is a great way to motivate yourself to read more and more.

Regarding the thing about inviting your friends (the link is on the app), it works like this: You earn 7 days for each friend who installed 12min through your link and read your first microbook, and 30 days for each friend which buys it.

Because we already have 1000 titles and we add, at least, 30 new titles every month. Just one thing that complements 12min app and I am extremely proud of is our Blog. So, 12min blog have fiction and nonfiction titles. We have more than 1,500 book summaries there and it is totally free of cost. Please check it here:

Now, some news for my Indian Friends:

I am currently living in India and we are doing many things here trying to add positive value to you guys. So, this are the things that we are doing:

We just launched our app in Hindi. Besides it the app is available in: English, Spanish and Portuguese as well; The voice for Hindi will be a girl from Bengaluru. She will also narrate the books of Indian Authors in English.

We are investing in our literature of Indian Authors, we already have 50 titles of them. We have books about: Politics in India ; History of Big Entrepreneurs and personalities in India ; Biographies of famous cricket players ; History of girls who succeed in India, etc.

We created a new category in our blog called: Learn About India. Please check it out here:

Thanks for reading until the end guys. Hope everybody have a good time using  12min app and please if you have some feedback or suggestion feel free to reach me.

Happy learning!

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