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Would a Rural Lifestyle Be Better for Your Mental Health?

HomeWellnessWould a Rural Lifestyle Be Better for Your Mental Health?

Stress and anxiety have many negative effects on your overall health. In terms of your physical well-being, stress can lead to an increased risk for heart attacks, strokes and chronic issues like diabetes. For your mental health, unmanaged stress can lead to depression and addiction. With all the stresses that can be found in urban settings, many people wonder if they would be better off living in the country.

Stresses of the City

People who live in the city often operate at a faster pace than those who live in rural areas. They get frustrated when common tasks take too long. At a meal, they want to be served quickly and eat just as quickly. Urban dwellers must deal with higher levels of pollution, longer waits in traffic and a frequent lack of personal space. Many jobs in the city are also high-pressure tasks in the business, financial or tech worlds. There is a constant need to perform and an unending to-do list to accomplish. It is no wonder that many citizens of the city dream of an alternative.

Cultural Benefits in the City

At the same time, it is important to recognize the benefits of living in a city. In most urban centers, you can find any type of international food you could dream of within a few blocks. A large city will have many venues for entertainment including theaters, concert halls, and arenas. Whether you want a symphony orchestra, a jazz combo or a rock concert, you can find it somewhere in the city. In addition, cities often have multiple cultural opportunities like museums and public artwork. If you are someone who unwinds by looking at or listening to beautiful art, it will be harder to find in a rural setting.

Families in the City

Parents in the city wonder if a rural setting would be better for their children. They worry about crime rates and public health issues that are unique to urban areas. However, if you want your children to experience cultural diversity as they grow up, a city will be a better setting. Another advantage of city living is that friends are often close by. Public transportation also makes it easier for young people to explore the territory. As your children become more independent, they can take advantage of the many experiences found in the city.

Health Concerns in Rural Communities

Depending on your lifestyle, rural life can be very relaxing or very stressful. Some people who move into the country want to try their hand at farming. This is a great way to get your food locally. However, farming involves a good deal of work as well as some unexpected dangers. Farmers frequently use some form of heavy equipment that can cause injury. Even riding tractors has risks. Working with animals can seem idyllic, but the reality is that large animals can be dangerous if you are not careful. Farming as a career also involves a heavy financial investment with a very thin profit margin. Although they get to spend time in the fresh air, many farmers also wonder if they made the right career choice. Another issue for people living in the country is limited access to health services. When there is an emergency, patients may have to travel a good distance to get to a trauma center.

Families in Rural Communities

Living in a rural setting has some advantages for young families. Children often grow up with the expectation that they will spend a good deal of time outside. They are more aware of how the food they eat is produced. They also learn the value of hard work. At the same time, older children in rural communities can suffer from boredom due to the lack of local activities. Many rural areas have seen an increase in drug and alcohol abuse among young adults.

The Bonds of Community

One of the strengths of living in the country is the importance of community in rural areas. People often know and interact with their neighbors. You will always bump into people you recognize at the grocery store. Rural townships put on community festivals, a strong bonding experience. When someone is sick, neighbors work together to support the family, supplying meals and other needs.

Benefits of Being Close to Nature

Living in the country puts you much closer to the natural world. Depending on your location, you will probably find some forest areas with hiking trails. Many farming communities are located near rivers or streams that can supply a kayaking adventure. If you are a fan of hunting or fishing, you will find many people who enjoy those pursuits. Most importantly, rural communities have less industrial pollution around them, meaning that you can breathe deeply and enjoy the fresh air.

Remote Workers in Rural Settings

The advent of the internet and the growth of cloud-based computing have opened rural areas to people in a variety of careers. As long as there is a high-speed internet connection, there is no reason that a programmer, web designer or content provider cannot do some of his or her work from a rural setting. Many employees enjoy doing computer-based work while living a simpler life in the country. There are many rural communities that can put you within commuting distance of a larger city in case you need to come into the office periodically.

No matter where you live, you will deal with some form of stress on a daily basis. Both urban and rural settings have advantages and disadvantages. Before you make a move to the country, you may want to try it out for a few weeks to see if it is really your style. It could be that you are burned out and simply need a vacation. Yet, if you think that it is time to live at a slower, simpler pace, a move to a rural community might be just the thing to preserve your long-term mental health. We can provide you with more information about modern mental health, e-business, and connecting with the world around you to make your life as happy and successful as it can be.

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