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How to Be More Proactive About Your Health

HomeWellnessHow to Be More Proactive About Your Health

We’ve all probably heard some version of the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” While it makes sense that being proactive when it comes to health will save you money and keep you ultimately healthier, many of us aren’t sure exactly how to go about being proactive when it comes to health. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Be Your Own Healthcare Advocate

Plenty of people simply choose doctors based on proximity, but it’s important to look at a doctor’s reviews and reputation before choosing one. Everyone’s bodies are different, and while doctors go through extensive training, it is possible for them to make mistakes. There are many forms of self-advocacy in medicine, and one is asking for a second opinion if you believe a diagnosis is wrong. A wrong diagnosis can lead to medical malpractice, which comes in many forms. The bottom line is to always seek doctors you trust, but to also be an engaged participant in your own care .

Track What You Eat

We all know that what you eat can impact your health in both positive and negative ways. One way to better understand the way what you eat impacts your health is keeping a food journal. When you track what you eat, you can connect it to health outcomes and better understand what works for you. Maybe you’ll discover that eating too many carbohydrates makes you tired or that you feel more focused and energized when you have plenty of leafy greens. Either way, this is an easy and inexpensive way to be proactive.

Get Both Enough Exercise and Enough Sleep

Eating well is important for health, but so are both sleep and exercise. Getting by on little sleep stresses your immune system, and this predisposes you to illness. Similarly, exercise can reduce your risks of developing certain illnesses, and it also creates a greater sense of general well-being. Work on finding forms of exercise you enjoy. Most people are more willing to stick with an exercise routine if it’s something they truly want to do.

Being proactive about your health may take some effort to start, but it’s well worth the initial energy. Staying proactive will help you feel better in general, and it is likely to reduce the number of illnesses you have per year. Focusing on being proactive will support the goal of total wellness.

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