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8 Best Essential Oils for Tooth Pain, Grinding, Cavities, Whitening and More

HomeVital Edge8 Best Essential Oils for Tooth Pain, Grinding, Cavities, Whitening and More

Essential oils are useful compounds extracted from natural plants. Their popularity is due to their ability to treat various ailments, including oral conditions. According to research, there are more than 90 essential oils with different medicinal properties. In most cases, their application is through aromatherapy or topical application. You can, however, apply some orally.

Despite the various applications of different essential oils, this piece is going to narrow down to those that can help you fight tooth pain, cavities, and grinding problems. It is also going to look at the essential oils that can help whiten your teeth and help you solve other oral problems. In any list of essential oils for tooth pain, grinding, cavities, whitening, and more you should expect to find:

Clove Oil

Clove is one of the most popular essential oils in the world of dentistry. The plant extract comes with various medicinal properties, including antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal capabilities. These three can help alleviate toothache, stop gum swelling, and prevent plaque formation on the surface of a tooth. Clove also has a unique chemical compound known as eugenol. Dentists often combine eugenol with zinc oxide to form a material used for teeth filling. To benefit from all the above dental importance of clove oil, dip a swab in clove oil and rub it on the affected tooth. You should then leave it in place for a while for it to work effectively.

Peppermint Oil

If you go online and search for good dentists near me, then ask for the uses of peppermint oil, you will find their answers intriguing. That is because peppermint oil is a common over-the-counter remedy for toothaches. It also has anti-inflammatory characteristics, which can help reduce gum swelling. Another critical use of peppermint oil is its ability to inhibit biofilm, which is among the causative agents of tooth cavities. Just like many essential oils, you can apply peppermint oil orally. Dub your index finger in the oil and drip the content on the affected area.


Lavender Oil

In most cases, people use lavender oil to treat anxiety due to its relaxing and sedative abilities. The same characteristics are the reason why dentists use lavender oil to soothe pain during dental procedures. As soon as you apply it on the affected teeth, the oil will ease nerve tension and enable you to achieve a calming effect. You can also use the same property to soothe toothaches and any other type of discomfort before heading to the dentist for an oral checkup. For optimum functionality, make sure you use pure lavender oil. Use a cotton swab to absorb the oil from the container then drip it on your tooth.


Ylang Ylang Oil

Ylang-ylang is among the best essential oils with a wide variety of medical capabilities. In dentistry, clinicians use it as a sedative agent to numb various dental pains, including toothaches. It is also famous for its anti-inflammatory abilities, thus exceptional if you are experiencing any form of oral inflammation. To get the best out of the essential oil. Apply it directly on your tooth and give it a few minutes. Some individuals also use ylang ylang for aromatherapy to ease any form of dental anxiety. In case of any cuts in the mouth, you can also use ylang-ylang to prevent the growth of microbes and keep bacteria from infecting your mouth.

Cinnamon Oil

A considerable percentage of individuals suffer from tooth hypersensitivity. That’s when you experience pain, short-term or long-term, whenever you consume hot or cold foods. The good news is that cinnamon oil can help you prevent such an issue. Just like clove oil, cinnamon has eugenol, which can deal with teeth hypersensitivity. Cinnamon oil also has microbial capabilities that can help you prevent cavities by eliminating any cavity-forming bacteria. To use it, clean your teeth then rinse your mouth with cinnamon oil. That way, you will end up with fresh breath thanks to its appealing scent.


Chamomile Oil

Most people tend to use chamomile tea to benefit from its various medicinal values, which include its antioxidant nature. What you don’t know is that you can also use the oil to remove stains from your teeth and achieve white pearls. Additionally, chamomile oil is antiseptic in nature, which means it can eradicate any bacteria from your mouth. By doing so, it can help prevent the formation of teeth cavities. There are two ways you can use the essential oil. That is either alone or with cinnamon sticks to achieve a unique scent and taste and use it also as a mouthwash.


Bay Oil

Bay essential oil originates from the bay tree. The oil is useful due to its analgesic characteristics. That means it can interact with the nerve in your teeth to lessen toothaches. That feature, combined with its sedative capabilities, makes bay oil more effective in treating pain than most essential oils. The bay tree extract also comes with antiseptic properties to assist in preventing the formation of any bacteria that often originate from plaque. Its usefulness is remarkable, and that makes it one of the best anti-stringent when it comes to treating any oral pain.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree contains various compounds that can help in addressing multiple dental diseases. The plant extract is antiseptic, so it can keep bacteria away and prevent the formation of teeth cavities. It also has anti-inflammatory features, which makes it ideal in lessening gum sores and preventing any infections. You should apply the essential oil after brushing your teeth so that the tea tree oil can work perfectly on the tooth surface. Doing so also increases its ability to sip through the teeth and apply its antimicrobial functionalities to any infected teeth.


Those are so far some of the most common and useful essential oils that can help to keep your teeth safe and healthy. Each essential oil mentioned above comes with various capabilities, thus making it safe for treating different dental conditions. That includes teeth hypersensitivity, sore gums, toothaches, and tooth cavities, among others. All you have to do is apply the oil on the affected teeth and give it a few minutes.

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