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Situations That Might Require You to Hire a Lawyer

HomeEducationalSituations That Might Require You to Hire a Lawyer

Needing a lawyer is almost like needing a doctor where you hope that you never have to see them, but you are certainly glad you have one. While not all circumstances that require a lawyer’s assistance are dismal, there are certainly a lot of instances when you may need an attorney just to make sure things are handled correctly. Here are some of the most common situations where you may need to call a lawyer.

After an Accident

Being involved in a car accident isn’t typically a simple matter as there can be many different factors at play. If you were involved in a car accident where you are being held accountable, then you should definitely contact an attorney in order to rid you of, or at least minimize your liability. However, if you were injured due to the negligence of another driver, you will need a lawyer to help you navigate the legal process and negotiate with insurance companies, etc. According to Bruscato Law, over 400,000 people are injured because of a distracted driver each year.

Unlawful Termination

As an employee, you are agreeing to abide by certain rules and uphold the company’s standard while the company agrees to employ you in return. However, if you feel that you have done everything that was expected of you, yet you were terminated, then you may need to contact a lawyer and have a consultation. A wrongful termination suit can be very tricky as there are many employers who have an “employment at will” policy. However, an experienced attorney can let you know whether you have a case and can help to guide you from there.

Estate Planning

Planning your estate can be a very detailed and involved legal process that requires a lot of paperwork. While there are some things that you might be able to do on your own, such as opening a bank account, Fabric recommends working with an estate attorney to set up a trust fund for your children. There are various estate laws, certain tax breaks and other pertinent information that an experienced estate lawyer will be familiar with. And because a trust fund is legally its own entity, getting one set up properly can be quite complex.

You Are Being Charged With a Crime

While this is one of those times when you most certainly wish you didn’t need a lawyer, Rocket Lawyer advises that it is probably the one circumstance where you need an attorney the most. Dealing with a criminal case of any kind is nothing to sneeze at and should definitely not be handled on your own. A lawyer will not only be experienced in dealing with your particular charges, but they have a team ranging from investigators to paralegals that help them with gathering evidence and putting your defense together.

You Are Getting a Divorce

While there are some instances when a marriage can be dissolved rather amicably and even quickly, there are other times when the proceedings can get rather ugly. Divorcing when you have property together or children can require lots of negotiating and many court appearances. This is especially true when there are children involved as it then may also become a matter of child custody, child support, et cetera. When the stakes are this high, the only option is for you to hire an attorney who is experienced in family law and can help you get the best outcome possible.

You Are Being Sued

If you are being sued, then you will surely need to hire a lawyer right away if you want to ensure that you are not taken to the cleaners. Lawsuits are very serious and if you don’t have proper representation, you may find yourself losing everything you worked hard to build. As soon as you are aware that there may be a pending lawsuit against you, it is important that you speak with an attorney right away, so he can begin an investigation into the matter.

Whether you are the defendant or the plaintiff in a case or simply trying to secure your financial future, you will definitely need a lawyer to assist you. Having a lawyer on your side who is experienced in dealing with your legal situation can help to make things that much easier as well as reduce potential stress.

Read next: Surviving After Divorce: 6 Tips for Reinventing Yourself

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