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What You Should Know Before Starting a Natural Health Business

HomeWellnessWhat You Should Know Before Starting a Natural Health Business

The natural health industry, accounting for trillions of dollars of economic activity globally. Best of all for entrepreneurs, breaking into the natural health industry is easier than most because of the low startup costs and the continued growth that the markets have seen for years now.

As the general public becomes more health-conscious, your pool of customers for your new natural health business will continue to grow. To deliver the right services or products to the right customers and see your business grow reliably, here are a few helpful tips for how to get started.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

Who are you targeting with your business – the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, athletes? Knowing who you want to patronize your business will help you decide which products or services to provide. Many businesses fail – one-half within the first five years and two-third within the first ten years — because they do not have a well-developed business strategy. Advertising is great, but without knowing your audience, reaching the potential customers most likely to shop at your store or pay for your natural health services will be difficult. An effective marketing strategy, defined first and foremost by who your audience is, is crucial for success.

Understanding the Products

The natural product industry can be tricky to navigate because it is largely unregulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the way that other food and drug products are. Because of this regulatory limbo, you should pay attention to what you are allowed to claim about your products and what you are prohibited from telling customers. This is a common example: a chronic pain patient with arthritis approaches your supplement business looking for an alternative treatment for their pain. The medicine from their doctor has too many negative side effects, so they turn to you for guidance. While you are allowed to discuss all the impressive health benefits of your turmeric powder – for example, its potent anti-inflammatory effects – you are not allowed to market your turmeric formula as a “cure” for arthritis. Knowing what you can and cannot say can save you from big legal trouble as you grow your business.

Several factors go into nutraceutical production that you need to be aware of. Knowing how the products you sell are produced is important for your business and for your customers’ health. What allergens, if any, might be present in your nutraceuticals? Were any potential hazardous substances like chemical solvents used in the process? What certifications does the facility have that made your products?

Check Out the Competition

Success stories in the natural health industry are everywhere. Check out what other startups, especially ones in your region, are doing to attract and retain customers. Learn from them. One of the best ways to do this is Google search the business and read their reviews. These reviews will highlight where the business is connecting with customers, and where they are failing their customers. Taking note of this, you can copy the successes and avoid the failures.

These are just a few ways to set yourself up for success in your new natural health business.

Starting a business can be hard! Click here to learn how to manage the stress of the entrepreneurial world!

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