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5 Reasons Why You Should Keep Working After You’ve Reached Financial Independence

HomeWellness5 Reasons Why You Should Keep Working After You've Reached Financial Independence

Financial independence is a dream most of us reach for in order to stop working. If we get there, we can finally take a break, give up the job we might have not even liked, and finally take it slow.

But you might find that it’s actually better for you to continue working after you reach that point. Why? Well, here are five compelling reasons.

1. To do what you love

For many of us, work is an opportunity to earn money. Very few people get the chance to work at their dream job, and of those, fewer still can do it whilst making a good living.

Whether you’d like to start a band and tour the small venues of the country, open a studio, work with kids, or so on, find your real passion and do what you love.

You may only be earning pocket money, but it’s not about the money anymore – it’s about enjoying what you do. Positive thinking and happy work will give you a fantastic quality of life.

2. To make a difference

You can also consider another type of work now that money is no object: volunteering. You can work free of charge for a charitable organisation, and give back to whatever cause is closest to your heart.

Whether you work in a charity shop, travel halfway around the world to build schools and sanitation systems, or start holding charity galas and fundraisers, you can make a difference in the areas that really matter to you.

3. To build a legacy

Being financially independent really just means that you don’t need to work in order to live. But that’s just you. What about the generations to come after you? It’s a good idea to stay at work and earn more money that will eventually go towards supporting your children, and after that, will become their inheritance.

That doesn’t mean you have to stay in a boring job just for the money. You could try something that builds passive income, like buying fine wines in new vintages that you will sell on later, investing in property or stocks, or even learning some smart tips on cryptocurrencies.

Investing can really become a full-time job, so it’s a good idea to start as soon as possible to build up those future gains.

financial independence

4. To have a purpose

What do you do if you’re not working? If you’ve been working hard to reach financial independence, you might not really have any idea. That can lead to a very boring and stale life once you aren’t working anymore.

What is your reason for getting up in the morning? Even if you cut back to part time hours, that work-life balance can still give you a sense of purpose and keep you motivated. Plus, taking up a new hobby can be more expensive than you think!

5. To prepare for change

What happens to you if you or someone you love falls ill, and stays ill for a long time? What about if your house burns down and the insurance doesn’t pay out? What if you are a victim of fraud?

Your financial situation may not be strong enough to weather those situations. Change is always happening, and it’s always what you least expect that will be coming around the corner. Don’t think that things will always be the same.

One day, what you consider to be financial independence may no longer be enough to keep up with the cost of living – and if you’re past retirement age by the time it happens, it could be an unwelcome shock.

Reaching financial independence is an enviable goal, and if you manage it, then you’re right in believing that you deserve a break. However, once your break is over and you feel rested, it’s time to get right back into it. There are so many reasons to carry on working!

pearls of wisdom
Alana Downer
Alana Downer
Alana Downer is a financial blogger and a self-improvement fan. Using her knowledge gained during + 6 years of work in the finance industry, Alana often shares her strategies and tips with people online, helping them get out of debt, finance their dreams, and achieve financial independence.


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