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How Do I Know if I Hired a Reliable and Trustworthy Babysitter for My Children?

HomeEducationalHow Do I Know if I Hired a Reliable and Trustworthy Babysitter...

Hiring someone else to be with your child when you are away is a big responsibility. It’s important to know if the person you chose is reliable and trustworthy enough to care for your child. Here are a few ways to find out if your babysitter is doing everything he or she should do when taking care of your little one.

Check In

It’s normal to call your babysitter while you are away to make sure everything is going well. However, some parents take it a step further and install cameras around the home to monitor the babysitter’s actions. If you want to use a camera, just understand that there are limits to what you can record on a nanny cam. While it’s legal to use a nanny cam, you can’t place one in a private area. Bathrooms or a live-in nanny’s bedroom are off-limits. Nanny cams often give parents a feeling of security when they are able to observe a sitter acting appropriately.

Ask Your Kids

Kids are honest critics. If you want to know what they think of the babysitter’s behavior, just ask them. Asking them what they thought about the babysitter and how time was spent will give you an idea of how everything went. You can also ask your child whether they want the same babysitter to come over again. Make sure you’ve explained to your kids what is appropriate and what is inappropriate for an adult to do. It’s also important for kids to know that an adult should never ask them to keep a secret from parents.

Gut Instinct

You need to interview the sitter, check references, and follow up on any questions you have. However, gut instincts often tell you a lot about the person standing in front of you. Even if things started well, if you start to feel like something is wrong, trust that feeling. It means you need to investigate further.

Keep a communicative relationship with your sitter so that if you do have a bad feeling about something due to a change in the demeanor of your child, you can bring it up with the sitter. A person who cares for your child is going to want to help figure out what is wrong. If your sitter is defensive, that could be a problem.

Hiring the right sitter for your child is essential. Make sure to follow up to ensure the sitter you chose is the most reliable and trustworthy fit for your family.

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