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Safety Standards Your Business Should Be Following

HomeEducationalSafety Standards Your Business Should Be Following

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Whether you are an employer or the employee, it is your responsibility to prioritize the safety of those you work with and those who consume your product. There are several safety standards already in place to stay safer. By following these standards, you not only keep everyone safe, but you will not get in trouble as a company. There are a couple of entities who publish safety standards.


OSHA is an acronym for “Occupational Safety and Health Administration.” This organization focuses on establishing safe and healthy working conditions and making sure that those conditions are met. The organization was established in 1971 to ensure safe workspaces for all. It operates under the United States Department of Labor. OSHA conducts regular inspection when a concern is raised or when there may be dangerous hazards.

Osha has an extensive website where you can find the standards expected of your company. You can find information about specific industries and business types. Do enough research to know what is expected of your type of company. Besides physical safety rules, there are also rules relating to holding regular training. Remember, proper communication is imperative to keep all employees safe.


ANSI stands for the “American National Standards Institute.” ANSI isn’t a government organization, nor are its standards mandatory. Instead, it compiles voluntary consensus standards for business to follow. This helps businesses to stay more competitive in the global field. By following the safety standards outlined by ANSI for your product, you will be more competitive as a company.

Normally people associate ANSI with standards relating to processes, products, testing, systems, and services. They coordinate US standards with international standards so that the US products can be distributed worldwide. If a product is ANSI certified, this means that it is a safe product. For example, if you produce eyewear for industrial workers, there is a specific ANSI for eye protection. See if your product or pieces of your product have outlined ANSIs on their website, and be sure to follow these standards.


Following CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) standards has become more important than ever with the COVID-19 outbreak. To ensure that your business is safe, research ways that you can help your company better follow CDC recommendations. The CDC offers more help beyond COVID-19 suggestions. They also provide “Health Hazard Evaluations.” Turn to this if you believe that your work may be endangering you, your coworkers, or others.

Following safety standards makes you more competitive as a company and makes you seem more professional. By keeping everyone safe, you do your part as a global citizen as well. As complicated as it may be to keep track of all these safety standards, it is well your time.

Read this next: Top 5 Tips for Eye Safety on the Job

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