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Best Ways to Earn High-Authority Backlinks for Great SEO

HomeContent MarketingBest Ways to Earn High-Authority Backlinks for Great SEO

We all know how important it is to get a high-quality backlink for a website. It can make or break the rank of the website. That’s why we are going to learn how to get high-quality backlinks from good websites.

1. Pages of Authority Resources

There are many resource pages on the internet. Resource pages mean that they have many resources on a particular topic. You can find a lot of knowledge resources on a certain topic on that page. If you want to find out resource pages for a specific topic, then you can search like this on Google:

1. “additional resources” your keyword

2. “further reading” your keyword

3. “useful resources” your keyword

4. “helpful resources” your keyword

After finding the authority resource page on your topic or keyword, you will need to reach out to them by email to ask for a link nicely. But before reaching out, it will be better for you to find out any broken link of the website, which can increase your rate of conversion by 2 to 5 times when compared to directly asking for the link. If you need professional assistance, you can hire a good SEO company in India.

Here is the script of email that you can use:

Hi (Name),

I wanted to read about (Your Keyword) and I found your (Title of Resource Page).

It was really good.

Anyway, I have noticed that there is a certain section on the page for (Your Topic). I have also published a great guide on that similar topic. It will be worth it if you add this to your page.

Thanks and Regards!

(Your Name)

This is just a sample template for you that you can modify according to your need. Try to keep the email personalized so that you have more chances of getting links.

2. Strategy Naming Method

You can create your own strategy or method. It may not be completely unique, but little uniqueness is enough. That unique method should be useful to people. You can start writing a blog about the unique method and show proof of how the method has helped you by applying it. A Branded Strategy Name + Proof can help you go a long way.

Your strategy and its name will be mentioned at many places and it will be linked back to your website naturally. In this way, you will be able to gain lots of backlinks naturally wherever your strategy name is mentioned.

3. Publishing Great Guides Blog

Another great strategy that you can use to gain links naturally is to write a complete guide about a certain topic. This will not only help you rank higher in the search result but also get links from other websites. It will work like a link magnet. Even after many years of publishing the content, you will be receiving links to that content. 

Before you start writing your ultimate guide, you need to find a topic. The topic is not covered much online. There can be many blogs about that topic but no complete guide blog on it.

People will also choose a blog where they can find all the information about that particular topic. Your complete guide blog will be mentioned by many authors on their website and you will get backlinks easily. You can seek digital marketing services for content writing if you are not sure of where to start. 

According to a study, certain types of content format outperform other types of content. The top content types were – 

  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • “How to” Posts
  • “Why” Posts
  • Quizzes
  • List Posts

It was noted that the ‘List’ posts had beaten all other types of content and came out as a winner in generating referring backlinks. It doesn’t mean that you can put just anything in the list and it will be good for links. Your content has to be amazing and it is just a guide or a starting point for how to begin content writing. 

‘How-to’ blogs and ‘Why’ blogs are also really great content formats that you can try. It will definitely help you gain natural backlinks to your content site or the webpage when it is mentioned by other bloggers or authors on their website.

First, you will need to find out the business or industry, which has:

  • Shut down
  • Stopped updating a resource
  • Stopped offering a service
  • Moved to a new URL
  • Changed names

Once you have found them, you need to find the websites that are still linking to the outdated URL links. Secondly, you need to reach out to them through email and tell them that the links of the service, company, or product are outdated and are no longer valid. It will be of great help for them and they will be happy to exchange the outdated link with your link in the same category. 
All the methods and strategies mentioned above are surefire ways to get natural backlinks of high quality. One high-quality backlink is more important than 1,00,000 low-quality backlinks. So, make sure to apply these methods and let us know in the comment section how it works out for you.

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Lynda Arbon
Lynda Arbon
Lynda Arbon is a passionate and enthusiastic health blogger. She likes keeping herself updated with the health trends and blogs. Her favorite past time is learning history and solving crossword puzzles.



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