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SHARE Now! 5 Best Apps to Share Files with Friends and Family

HomeTechnologySHARE Now! 5 Best Apps to Share Files with Friends and Family

Almost 80% of the world’s population own a mobile phone. The majority of people use the phone for various reasons-that is from messaging to video calls. On top of that, they are perfect tools for transferring files in a split second, such as audio, PDFs, and mobile apps. However, it requires special applications to perform this operation quickly. For instance, you can always turn to Bluetooth for all your file sharing needs, but this method is prolonged.  If you are searching for a perfect app to help you share and receive files like shareit, check out these top-notch platforms.


As outlined above, Bluetooth sharing is slow and ancient. There are better methods and platforms in the markets, including the SHAREit app. This app supports file transfer that is nearly 200 times faster than Bluetooth sharing. But, SHAREit is a full-suite digital content platform, enabling users to consume and share content with ease. Let’s divide the app’s excellent features into two categories: 

File Sharing

  1. SHAREit does not require an active internet to share and receive files. You can connect the devices by using the WiFi hotspot, and that is it. 
  2.  Unlike other methods, this app is faster and transfers files within seconds with the need for the internet. 
  3. Be it apps, games, music files, or presentation documents, you can also send multiple files simultaneously, including large files. 
  4. SHAREit supports group sharing, allowing users to create a group and share files without any hassle. 
  5. All the files that you plan to share are free from any viruses and tamper-proof, meaning you get the original document. 
  6. SHAREit supports in and cross-platform transfer. For instance, you can use SHAREit to transfer files from android to android or iPhone to android. 

Digital Content Platform

  1. HD Content: SHAREit has a plethora of streamable HD content that includes gaming videos, regional content, etc. The app also has an excellent video player, enabling users to watch the content without any challenges. 
  2. Gaming Centre: SHAREit has its own gaming center that users can access to download and play all different types of mobile games. More importantly, SHAREit does not require users to go through rigorous email signup or logging in process. 


Another well-known application is Xender, offering a decent sharing experience to users. It has a good enough speed to support file transfer of all types. It is also compatible with Windows, Android, macOS, and Tizen. With Xender, you can transfer files such as music, applications, or even Zips. You can use SSL security and a six-digit key to pair the device for transferring the files. However, unlike SHAREit, this app requires an internet connection to initiate the whole process. 

Send Anywhere

The third application to share files with friends and family is Send Anywhere. This is a decent file transfer platform that enables you to share files seamlessly. It comes as a free web app and a premium version service. This app is still under development, so you may face a few challenges while using it. 


Superbeam is another application that sends files faster. However, the mobile phone must be connected to the same WI-FI connection for it to function well. If they are connected to the same WiFi, files will be transferred through WIFI. But if you don’t have an active WiFi connection, worry not. You can transfer the files through something called WI-FI Direct. However, all the features are not accessible to users. For instance, you can send files to more than one device using the pro version. 


Closing the list of the five best apps for sending files is Portal. This application facilitates the transfer from android to android phones. One unique thing about Portal is that it works effectively for devices that run Android Lollipop and above. 

The current technology has enabled almost every activity to complete faster. Nowadays, phone users can send files with or without an internet connection. These apps can send files faster on multiple devices. 

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