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A Book Review of the Novel ‘One Indian Girl’

HomeInsightsA Book Review of the Novel 'One Indian Girl'

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One Indian Girl is the seventh fictional novel and the ninth overall book written by the Indian author Chetan Bhagat.

One Indian Girl novel

It is the story of Radhika Mehta, a worker at the Distressed Debt group of Goldman Sachs, an investment bank.

It is a story of a girl who is average looking, not fair, ambitious, well-educated and very successful in her career and she just doesn’t like that conservative and typical thinking of Indian society about girls and women.

She is quite feminist and has an opinion on everything. She makes it sure that she does things which she feels is right without worrying about her family or anyone else.

Well the story starts from the scene of destination wedding of a girl named Radhika and Brijesh at Goa.

It is an arranged marriage.

He has a kind soul. Radhika doesn’t want to get married with Brijesh but she has to because her mother wants her to get married soon.

There was a guy Brijesh Gulati with whom she was getting married and two of her exes Debu and Neel both asked her to elope with them respectively when she is finally getting married.

Radhika works at Goldman Sachs New York office. She has a live-in boyfriend there, named Debashish Sen aka Debu. He is smart and intelligent.

But, Debu earns much less than Radhika, so he feels insecure and this ultimately creates problems in their relationship and of course they broke up.  It all happens in the flashback of One Indian Girl. The story has technically 3 flashbacks.

Radhika decides to resign from the job but her boss offer to transfer her to Hong Kong Office. She agrees as that gives her an opportunity to go away from New York where everything reminds her of Debu. In Hong Kong Office she meets Neel Gupta. Neel Gupta is smart, handsome, fair and attractive.

He is married and has 2 kids. He is 20 year older to Radhika. Neel and Radhika are the partners at the Special Situations Group in the Hong Kong office.

They get attracted to each other and have an affair. Very soon Radhika realized that this relationship has no future so they split up.

Again history repeats, Radhika resigns and again she is offered a transfer instead of resignation. She happily accepts it and goes to London. This also happens in the flashback, by the wayJ.

Although both of her exes shares a common point of view that a girl who earns a big fat amount can never be a family type girl.

She is way too ambitious in their mind for making families and having kids.

But at last she needs to decide between the three of these people Debu, Neel and Brijesh.  Radhika must choose between the three of them and must come to terms with her past in New York and Hong Kong, while also maintaining her good, nerdy girl personality for her family’s image.

And made a right decision and chooses none of them to spend her rest of life with instead she has given time to herself to understand better and to make nice decisions further.

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