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5 Ways To Overcome Career Burnout

HomeEducational5 Ways To Overcome Career Burnout

Building your own career is essential to your personal wellbeing. Furthermore, it helps shape your self-esteem. But this has its risks and the causes of career burnout are all too familiar. Each situation may be unique, but they typically fall into three categories: imbalance of home and work life, personality factors, and work-related stress.

Home and Work-Life Imbalance

Often times, a person who works tirelessly tends to neglect their responsibilities at home. They are forced to spend less time with their spouse and children, resulting in some stress in their relationship. As the demand for attention at home starts to pile up, it results in severe stress. When one aspect of life is taking over the other, this can result in some burn out for sure.

Personality Factors

To some people, their careers are everything. And when a perfectionist, pessimist, or an over-achiever exposes himself or herself to a competitive environment, he or she will most likely experience burn out. These types of people put a tremendous amount of stress on themselves just to get things done. Some of them are willing to give up their social and personal life just for their careers.

Sometimes, people need to handle a very demanding workload without the right associated benefits. There are also instances when employees devote all their efforts but do not receive any recognition or positive feedback for a job well done. These aspects of some careers can contribute to burnout. Change is a necessary part of life while transitioning from a legal career to take an alternate path.

The Difference Between Burnout And Stress

Some workers confuse stress with burnout. But there are behavioral signs that manifest among people experiencing burnout that are not present among employees who are stressed. Some signs are self-isolation, withdrawing from responsibilities, skipping work, and too much tardiness.

The difference between these two is that burnout is the result of unrelenting stress. Under burnout a person may feel empty and devoid of any motivation. People enduring this do not see any positivity in their work. Sometimes, burned out people do not consider their situation changing and it can result in depression.

Stress, by large, involves too many demands both psychological and physical. Stressed out individuals still see hope and positivity that they may get the situation under control.

If you are or know somebody experiencing a low point in their life, here are five tips to help combat burnout.

1. Lessen Your Contact With Toxic People

Your career is important, but if you are surrounded by toxic people that largely contributed to your demise, stop hanging out with them. Better yet, quit your job and find another one. This may not sound simple.

But adapting to a change of environment and starting from scratch is better than living a successful career full of people who are ready to drag you down at any given time. If you truly have no choice but to work with one, try to limit the time you have to spend together in the same room.

2. Keep Reasonable Work Hours

If you are committed to devoting more than 40 hours a week, go ahead and do so. But remember, a day will come when your body will fall ill and demand longer rest periods. To avoid this from happening, do not overwork yourself and keep reasonable work hours.

Every person should consider enough time to rest in order to feel more energized and refreshed the next day. Sleep is also the time when the body is at its optimal healing phase. Depriving your body from enough rest will affect your immune system greatly.

3. Spend More Time With Your Family

Try to build a stronger and more positive relationship with your friends, partner, spouse or children. Set aside all the work-related stress that caused your burnout and spend time with your loved ones. Make each moment a fun and enjoyable time.

4. Eat A Healthy Diet

To avoid burnout, you must stay away from stress. One integral factor in stress prevention is taking the time to consume nutrient-dense meals. Eating junk foods will wreck your blood sugar and can put stress on your body.

You need to eat a diet that consists of proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. Always find time to eat a wholesome breakfast to help you jump start your morning.

5. Study Your Stress Triggers

Know what fires you up the most and learn how to control these triggers and how you react to them. Is it your coworkers? Is it the process in the office? Is it your family? Whatever it is, tune into it and try to change your reaction to every trigger.

By considering the situation from a different perspective, you control your emotions. After all, the problem is not with the stress triggers. Stress is often a result of your reaction to it. So try to stay calm as much as you can to maintain a clear mind.

Do not let career burnout become a problem at home or at your workplace. Each of them is equally essential to how you see yourself. To avoid this problem, educate yourself on how to avert it. Recognize the symptoms of burnout, and learn when to conduct the appropriate actions. You will be glad you did.


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