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Staying Alive And Productive: 10 Useful Apps To Control Your Personal Effectiveness

HomeEducationalStaying Alive And Productive: 10 Useful Apps To Control Your Personal Effectiveness

Business and technology go hand in hand. The human factor is crucial in the execution of business, while technology helps us to enhance our performance.  In this article, we discuss 10 useful Apps to control your personal effectiveness.

Amidst all these, there is need to stay up and alive, even in the complexities brought about the pressures of the competitive corporate world.


Apparently, journalers are fathomed by the need to optimize relevancy. Keeping in mind that the left brain is responsible for the writing of reason and analysis, utilization of both hemispheres of the brain is critical.

This App is essential in breaking mental barriers in journalizing to make one understand self with utmost optimism. This App is applicable in spicing up your journal entry by adding data on local weather, pictures and geo-location.


As a corporate guy, thousands of emails a day aren’t your piece of cake. You need to handle your corporate emails with relative ease. CloudMagic works on Android iOS as a feature-filled App and incorporates Yahoo, Gmail, iCloud and much more. With this App, you can save messages, access CRM services and list making.


All work and no play have never made Jack a jovial boy. As a corporate guy, busy schedule is your lifetime engagement. MyFitnessPal will count your calorie, thanks to Under Armour. Apart from scanning calorie loss when you hit the gym, this App will also scan food nutrition content.


Similar function with MyFitnesspal, Headout gives you spectacular experiences as you demand. For instance, you can find best activities to wipe your boredom.


From the gym and to the office, you need to get in touch with your team. Slack acts as a real-time communication tool especially for third-party services. Therefore you will discuss with your team using dissimilar virtual channels, files, tweets, updates and images.


Who doesn’t want to be happy! With Happier App on your phone, you will collect numerous happiness boosts moments during the day, which you eventually add to your Rolodex. As a result, you enhance your attitude of gratitude to enhance your productivity and creativity as well as have some good sleep.


Sharing your location has never been made easy. With Glympse, you can share location at a time up to four hours. You keep your team informed without necessarily having to manually inform them.


When you work with great agreeable minds on projects, you can create a private group on GroupMe to chat specific issues outside the involvement of entire group.

Exposure to powerful questions opens up your well for new options, creative mind and unlimited mental boundaries. is essential for leadership coaching, to keep you competitive. For instance, building better habits and scaling.


Sometimes you want to be chicly but inform around rather unsuspecting. Privenote approves your security by helping you communicate without a paper trail. For instance, you write a note; the App provides you with URL that you convey to your recipient email or text.

On clicking on the link, the recipient accesses the note. However, subsequent people who wish to access the message will note because the App kills both the link and message after that.

Through all these, we can enhance our personal effectiveness.

Patrick Roth is author of the article. He is a professional business trainer, coach, blogger and guest writer at Automatenherz. He has been lucky enough to work for the famous business magazines. Now he is a freelance financial and business journalist.

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