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Biometric Fingerprints Concerns for The Employees And Organization

HomeEducationalBiometric Fingerprints Concerns for The Employees And Organization

Biometrics and its uses have seen dynamically increasing in our day to day operations and with the advent of same, there came upon various advancement in this sector which provided the users with machines which can fulfill all their security needs without any manual labour being involved.

But what about machines? How to use it or how to make it a part of the security system.? Well, the answer is really simple. All one needs to do is to fill in the employees or concerned people details in it just for once and later the same can be used by the BIOMETRIC machines on its own to recognize all the access holders to any gate or any file.

The eSSL Biometric Fingerprint machine is one such great supplies of Biometric Attendance Machine which recognizes and authenticates an identity of a person which is based upon his one such physical attribute, which here is his fingerprint. With the advancement of any technology by researchers, there are also out there few people who are better to find the loopholes of such inventions. So, no matter how long this Fingerprint Biometric machines have been used since years, there are still some concerns which comes along with the same

Concerns Concerning The Biometric And Fingerprints Usage

The concerns associated with same are as follows:

A lot as regards the legal implications as per IT act needs to be followed by the using organization before they start with the use of any biometric system.

Explaining the same we need to see that any organization which uses such system needs to have a proper privacy policy and disclosures of some sensitive information which here is of the fingerprints collected. The concerned policy is expected to have information which is clear and easy. Such information should include, personal data collected or information collected together with its type, the purpose and usage of such information collected, the security procedure and practice related to same and better disclosure of personal data and all the information collected.

Coming to the second point we see that there should be proper communication between the organization out there and the employees should be informed before they collect the fingerprints of a person. The employees are also needed to be made aware as regarding the people who will have access over such data, the reasons for the collection of such data together with proper disclosure of the name and address details of the organization which is going to collect such information and the organization that will retain the same.

Before one installs therein eSSL Biometric Machines or eSSL Biometric fingerprints machine, the organization concerned needs to provide its employees the option through which they are free from giving their fingerprints ort provide them with options where they, by all means, can withdraw from such consent at any point of time and stop the usage of his her fingerprint data.

Every feature of a human being is said to change from time to time, so why not their Fingerprints differ with time or with every device on which same is obtained? To sort this issue eSSL Biometric Machines provide features which use a pattern or better to say an image recognition, which helps identify the person. The distance between certain points of the finger is created as a pattern, i.e., image, solving this issue.

But eSSL Biometric Fingerprint readers take a close pattern and store the same, so that chance of mismatch can be avoided. Although the process seems not-reliable there are companies out there like eSSL which tries to solve issues to the max.

Another issue associated is the stealing of data which can be used to use the data inappropriately for wrong deeds. One such breach of UIDAI in 2010 is an example of the same. the data leaked was one of the biggest loss of biometric data which lead to fraud transactions (numerous) being made.

bio-metric fingerprints

Hacking of Biometric devices

One wrong hand and any Biometric machine can be hacked easily. Such hacks for Biometric Fingerprint reader machines will lead to loss of confidential data and will increase the chances of fraud.

Magnets in Biometric systems are not a better choice of proper functioning. The same can ruin a process of a system easily if they get in contact with the Magnetic field. just a small placing of magnet beneath the Biometric face reader machine or Biometric finger reading machine and all the functioning will get disrupted out there.

A proper update is needed by machines from time to time and as per the sections of Aadhar card the same needs to be updated on timely intervals. This rule out there shows that Biometrics have a changeable identity which can be solved by better service which is best out there with eSSL Biometric Machines

No blue collared employees may use the same making it dysfunctional for this sector.

A blue-collared employee works nature get split marks and their split or puffy skin, disrupt the fingerprint uniqueness of an individual’s thumb. The pattern stored hence is different from the one on today’s date, making the use of Biometric machines use as invalid. Studies have shown that human attributes keep changing and hence do not remain the same always.

Better Attendance Maintenance With Better Attendance Management Technology

Unlike before, employers need not fear for proxy attendance or unnecessary payment of money to employees out there who are not even present there on time. Biometric system attendance machine has made life easy and comfortable as the uses of fingerprint biometrics in attendance management are seemed to be fruitful. Avoiding proxy attendance to record of in and out of employees, all gets recorded therein on a real-time basis and helps in preparation of a better payroll system.

eSSL Biometric providers are one such, out there to offer the world with Biometric fingerprint scanner system, Biometric attendance system, Biometric face recognition systems, etc. The same with its uniqueness is helping out all by providing the best of services at an affordable rate. The Biometric Attendance System also overcome above-mentioned challenges.

eSSL biometric systems providers look after the concern of people employing better Biometric systems at an affordable rate, all over India. They will help selection and to have a better approach to employees. From selection to installation, all of it will be taken care of by them with least concern transfer to the clients.

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