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How to be Lucky

HomeInsightsHow to be Lucky

My name is Jake Otero and i’m a writer, author and consultant. I am an avid reader and i’m always looking to improve my abilities as much as possible. My area of expertise is self-help, entrepreneurship, economics, and business. I’m currently writing a book that will be out in the middle of 2020, and I’m also working with a team on a blogsite.

Why are some people more lucky than others? Lots of people who have tremendous success have often said that luck has a big part to play in it.

Luck is Everywhere

This is true in the sense that with all the randomness in life, it’s inevitable that we will run into some kind of luck. Luck is available to anyone in the world but you have to know how to attract it and how to recognize it.

Whether you know it or not, there was an opportunity in your life that you didn’t see and you missed your chance. But that’s nothing to worry about because luck is abundant and it comes and goes.

The real challenge is being prepared for that moment. If you want to create luck you have to be putting in constant, daily action. Almost, if not, all of life’s failures happen when you don’t realize how close you were when you gave up.

If you’re just sitting there waiting for a big break, you’ll miss the truth that luck builds on itself. This is why it seems some people are always lucky.

I will teach you how to become lucky

Turning Adversity into Luck

Luck doesn’t just fall into our lap; we can’t just sit around and do nothing, waiting for that big break. In the words of the amazing author Janice Kaplan

Real luck occurs at the intersection of chance, talent, and hard work

I really like this quote because if you apply this to extremely successful people, you can see that this is absolutely correct.

You can make good luck from life’s adversities if you just look at your life from the outside and see it in a more broad way.

J.K. Rowling’s Inspiring Story

Let’s take J.K. Rowling for example. Once J.K. Rowling had the idea of harry potter and she starting writing, she was hit with the tragic death of her mother. This sent her into grieving and deep depression. She wanted to get out of that mindset.

In hopes to lift herself up, she took a job as an English teacher in Portugal. In doing this she made a personal goal to herself which was to have the first Harry Potter book done by the time that she went back. This actually wouldn’t happen.

While in Portugal, Rowling had gotten married and they had a baby girl together. That marriage soon failed and she found herself with no finished book, no job, and a whole other human who depended on her.

She hit rock bottom.

In attempt to get out of that space, she started working on her book again with the little time she could find.

Once Rowling finished her book she sent it out to tons of publishers and got denied by 12 different firms. She was starting to lose confidence, but then LUCK finally struck.

An editor at Bloomsbury Publishing sat down to read her book, and so did the editors 8 year old daughter. The little girl loved the first chapters and begged to read the whole thing. This made the publisher agree to publish Rowling’s book. Bad luck isn’t always what it seems to be.

She is now a billionaire author.

Some may say that that luck came out of complete randomness, but it did NOT. Rowling sent her manuscript out to many publishers, she was always putting in the action.

That lead to the scenario of that editor picking up that manuscript with his daughter. If she had wallowed in her depression and just gave up on the book, she would’ve never got that chance.

Through hard work and outstanding talent, she created that chance. She created her own luck

Taking Action is Essential

This shows you that in order to make your own luck, you have to take that action to change the turn of events. You need to find out where you’re headed in order to find the right field to plant your seeds of creativity.

Your courage is what will make you successful. Find a mentor, advisor, or sponsor to help you access that courage and use it to excel. Those people have already done what you want to so it’s stupid to not go to them for help.

Yes this can boil down to just being in the right place at the right time, but how do you get to that right place?


You Have to be Prepared for Luck

Now being in the right place at the right time serves no purpose unless you are ready to take advantage of that opportunity.

To be ready is to first envision where you want to be, and then network with like-minded people who can advise you. There is no other way that you can get into the right place if you don’t network.

Its sometimes difficult to actually see an opportunity and these people will help you see what the others cant. They were once in your shoes and they had someone who lead them and helped them prepare for that lucky moment, because you of course have to be ready once it comes.

Not everybody is able to handle a lucky break because they aren’t prepared and some people are prepared but don’t know what to do when that opportunity comes.

Understand that a lucky break is NOT the same as a lucky outcome.

We need to expect the unexpected because things aren’t going to fall into our lap when we think were ready. The world is a cold place but always be ready for what comes at you because you will have a better chance of spotting that piece of luck you’ve been aching for.

Go with the Flow, Trust the Process

There’s no way that we can predict what life will throw at us. All we can do is take that bad moment and turn it into good luck. We still have a roll in what gets thrown at us; we can blame it on fate and bad timing or you can choose to face that problem with the determination of creating you own luck.

After getting turned down over and over again, J.K. Rowling still persisted and kept giving those manuscripts out.

She’s human, she probably had her doubts but she knew exactly what she wanted and kept going. This kept her in the area where the luck will strike and it DID.

Once it did, she knew where to go with it because that is what she envisioned.

The most important talent of anyone successful is the ability to pay attention and notice opportunities. More often than not, luck depends on other people. You need to be around people that will cause good thing to happen to you.

You may not want to hear this, but often times the people that are holding us back are those we are closest to.

The Right Attitude

Persistence doesn’t always correlate with hours put in. Everything comes down to the attitude and passion that you’re bringing to the table.

When you show that you’re eager and you go that extra step, people will notice you. We all knows that the luckiest of us all have positive attitudes, and that’s the key.

When you have to have it, it will be easier to fully jump into that moment and you will have learned to prepare for the future ahead.


Uninterrupted focus can be extremely beneficial for lots of people but if we break it down to a practical sense; diversification is very smart because it gives us somewhat of a safety net.

This gives us more avenues in which luck can come. I’m sure you’ve heard from many people, blogs, books, etc that you need to be fully ensconced into one main subject, but if you are looking to heighten your chances that you strike luck you need your eggs in different baskets. One of them will for sure get picked up.

The exception for this is when one single aspect is all that matters for survival, like when someone is looking to get an Olympic gold medal or maybe the last minutes of the World Series or Super Bowl. This is when 110% focus will reap the most benefits.

Never Give Up

Life happens, we know you can’t always anticipate on the unexpected, but you can definitely focus on the elements that are in your control (talent and hard work for example) to make it less of a risk.

Your background in life has absolutely no play in luck.

Luck isn’t a given, you have to create it yourself

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