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So, You’ve Been Fired. Now What?

HomeEducationalSo, You’ve Been Fired. Now What?

Being fired is no easy thing to go through. It comes out of nowhere and often leaves you feeling worthless, angry, confused, and everything in between. Contrary to popular belief, not every firing is due to bad behavior or poor performance. Sometimes other more illegal or simply complex issues are the reason for your termination. Nevertheless, you still want answers to what you can do about it and what your next steps are for keeping some income coming in. The following article includes vital information that you, as someone who was recently terminated, needs to know.

Figure Out Why

Why? This is probably the first thing that went through your head when you heard those two words: “You’re fired.” Common causes of being terminated can include breaking company policy, underperformance, or simply not being a team player. However, before you accept the fact that you were fired, it is incredibly important to remain calm. Simply ask your boss what exactly the reason for your termination. 

If they are vague about their decision regarding your termination, then that should be an immediate red flag, especially if you’re a person of color. However, it is best not to accuse automatically as this can cause further problems, or you might alert them that you might pursue a lawsuit. Snider & Associates recommends that if you were terminated for discriminatory reasons, you should seek help at once. Think about how you were treated while at the job, and if any discriminatory harassment occurred as that’s a sign that is why you were fired. Now, if you were fired for a legitimate reason such as not meeting the terms of your contract (certain sales numbers, etc.) or coming in late to work, then you must take this time to learn from your mistakes. Accept it as a learning experience and begin working on yourself to do better next time.

Can You Collect Unemployment?

When people lose their jobs, it is not their pride that they worry about but how they are going to pay the bills. Often people believe that because they were fired, they are not eligible for unemployment assistance. However, asserts that this is not the case most of the time. If you were not fired for misconduct, you do still have a chance of receiving assistance. One of the best things to do is ask your employer to provide you with a letter that states you were terminated for non-misconduct reasons such as downsizing. Doing this will provide you with peace of mind that you won’t go hungry or lose your house between the time you were terminated and the time you were able to find another job.

Answering the Question During Interviews

When you’re fired, it may seem like the end of the world. You might be thinking to yourself that this stain on your record isn’t going to allow you to move on into another position because who wants to hire someone who was fired by someone else. When you’re at an interview and the time comes to explain yourself, it is vital that you follow these steps. TopResume warns that you should never attempt to skip over the question and move on — after all, honesty is the best policy. Second, don’t talk bad about your previous employer as this is only going to give the impression of bitterness. Lastly, state what skills and strengths you bring to the table that can help them get to the next level.

Use it

You might not feel like the most motivated person in the world when you get fired; it’s truly a bummer. However, in order to move on and become better, it is vastly more productive to use this low time in your career to come back even better. Say to yourself that you are worth it, and just because one company didn’t see your potential doesn’t mean another won’t either. Often these firings are a blessing in disguise, and who knows, you might end up working with a better company for more pay. 

Being terminated from your job can feel horrible. However, there are things you can still do to keep going and even earn money in the process. It is highly recommended that you read over once again some of the suggestions posted above and choose the right route to take for your particular situation.

Read more: Why You Should Be Cautious of Newspaper Job?

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