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What Causes Should I Donate To?

HomeEducationalWhat Causes Should I Donate To?

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Many different charities are vying for your donations. Therefore, it can be challenging to decide who to give your money to. After all, you want to ensure that it goes to a group you can trust to spend it wisely. Of course, you also need to be sure that your money is going to causes that you believe in personally. Here are a few worthwhile suggestions.


Many people in America cannot guarantee where and when their next meal will happen. Unfortunately, many of them are seniors or children who cannot work to earn their next meal. There are many health problems associated with eating a poor diet. These individuals cannot often obtain fresh produce and other foods that have a short shelf life. The healthiest foods usually cost more than unhealthy alternatives, and this exacerbates the challenge of being able to make healthier choices. You may want to consider donating to one of the many local food banks that are trying to solve this problem. Many can obtain food at a fraction of the cost of what you would pay at the grocery store, which helps your donation go even further.

Clean Water

Even in the United States, some people do not have access to clean water. There are many reasons why this problem exists. For example, some people fail to budget appropriately and do not have the money to pay their water bills. Others are relying on water from unsafe wells. Some people have unsafe plumbing in their homes, but they do not have the money to fix it and also put groceries on the table or buy life-saving medicines. Others have resorted to using outdoor plumbing, which can lead to harmful environmental impacts. Many community organizations are working toward making sure that everyone has safe water to use regularly. It is not just a problem in the United States. Over 600 million people around the world lack access to clean water, making this a critical cause in need of attention.


There is an extreme lack of affordable housing in the United States and many other countries. In the U.S., it is not unusual for low-wage earners to pay more than 75% of their income in rent. Some of these people have lost their jobs and run out of savings. Others find themselves homeless. Many are merely hanging on, working and struggling to pay their bills on time. You can help provide shelter for these individuals through your donations.

If you are in a place to help the less fortunate, there’s no better time to act than now. There are many worthwhile causes to consider. Choose one that is close to your heart and get involved by donating today.

Read on here to learn how volunteering is a great team building practice for your business!

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