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Selling A House: Tips For Real Estate Agents

HomeEducationalSelling A House: Tips For Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents are predominantly a breed of people that keeps trade secrets to themselves. This is understandable given the nature of their job, but at the same time, it creates a problem for other, up-and-coming agents who’d like to hone their skills of putting people’s homes on the market. Selling a house is an art form and it takes experience, knowledge, training and going that extra mile every single time. That is exactly why we’ve come up with some helpful tips for real estate agents looking to improve their professional skills. They include:

· Thoroughly cleaning the house;

· Knowing the ideal timing;

· Not allowing the listing to sit too long;

· Keeping the lawn clean and trimmed;

· Adopt flexible showing times;

· Understanding the importance of first impressions.

Thoroughly Cleaning The House

It can be very hard for potential buyers to see past the clutter of a messy house when viewing your home since they don’t always use their imagination. Either cleaning your home thoroughly from top to bottom or hiring a professional to do so is always a great idea. Real estate agents can provide valuable assistance in dressing up the house so that walk-in viewers can be welcomed by an inviting home. The key point to remember is that the goal here is not to make the interior styling resemble that of a hotel, but to create an impression of homeliness and warmth that’ll be enough for the prospective buyers to enjoy.

Knowing The Ideal Timing

Springtime is when houses not only sell more quickly but more profitably as well. The spring is when most people’s homes look their best. This includes the backyard being filled with blooming, colorful flowers and the home itself appearing particularly airy and bright. As a result, being ready to sell in the winter may actually work against you. Instead, hold off with the sale until springtime and only then put your property on the market in order to ensure top dollar value.

Not Allowing The Listing To Sit For Too Long

There’s an unwritten rule that having your house on the market for over a month and not being able to sell it may lead to prospective buyers believing that it is overpriced. Many real estate agents believe that homes that have been “sitting” on the market for 4 or more weeks become harder and harder to sell. If you already foresee that you won’t be able to devote a lot of time and effort to find the right buyer or if you’re already having a hard time selling your house, it might be time to seek out professional help for your home.

Keeping The Lawn Clean And Trimmed

In conjunction with the previously mentioned tip, springtime is when flowers bloom and nature awakens after a long, winter slumber. Unfortunately, this also requires homeowners to keep an eye out for their lawns. There’s hardly a prospective home buyer out there who can resist the smell and sight of a freshly cut, neatly maintained lawn. It might be particularly good to practice trimming your lawn just before every show in order to maximize results.

Adopt Flexible Showing Times

When you’re a real estate agent looking to unload a property in a relatively short period of time, it makes sense to proactively engage in finding the right buyers. This could involve a number of different things, but a particular trick is to try and adopt (reasonably) flexible showing times. By doing this, you’re able to increase the number of potential buyers that are able to view the property in a single day. Quantity is the name of the game here, though it requires you to work a bit harder than you normally would. From early in the morning to late at night, if you go the extra mile it’s sure to pay off.

Understanding The Importance Of First Impressions

It is often said that first impressions are everything when trying to sell real estate and there’s really nothing quite like arriving at a prospective property and being welcomed by the sight of beautiful flowers in the garden, a well-manicured lawn, neat driveways, and attractive low walls. Among the key selling points for potential homebuyers are native species of trees, shrubs, and plants, so, once again – go the extra mile and consider investing in professional landscaping to boost your property’s curb appeal. It can go a long way in helping you sell your property at top dollar.

Activity Drives Results

The more calls you make, the more networking events you go to, the more follow up you do, the better your sales results will be. Track your activities and you will clearly see that it boils down to how much you are actually DOING that generates sales. Meetings and brainstorming sessions are great, but activities directly related to generating new business will drive sales.

Respond Promptly to a Purchase Offer

Try to respond promptly to a purchase offer. Many purchases offer to contain a date by which the offer expires. Notwithstanding, it can drive buyers crazy if they are forced to wait for a seller to decide whether to accept their offer or to issue a counteroffer. Remember, if you are selling because you need to buy a new home, you are no different when you are a home buyer yourself.

Selling a home is very different from buying a home. Buying a home generally involves emotions and feelings, but selling a home typically centers on what listing agents like to call maximizing profit potential. The tips here apply to first-time home sellers, or any seller needing a real estate refresher.

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Perfect Agent
Perfect Agent
Curtis Brown is writing a blog for the perfect agent, a blog dedicated to a real estate agent in the process of selling or renting a property. Also, offer the best service in the real estate industry by connecting customers with top-performing real estate agents. He has written articles on most real estate, real estate agents, and home-related topics. 

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