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Benefits of Using Open Source Software in the Enterprise

HomeTechnologyBenefits of Using Open Source Software in the Enterprise

The use of open-source software and progressive web apps is on the rise in both government and private organisations. Most of these technologies are free, but there are also Enterprise versions which offer extended feature and support. Unlike licensed software, open-source software allows viewing and modifying the source code by third parties. Another key feature of open source software is that users can freely distribute the software to others, with or without making changes. There is no limit on what individuals and organisations can do with this software. Below are some benefits of open source software that you might consider before making a selection.


The increasing rate of cybercrimes makes security a critical feature to check when selecting any software type. Unlike licenced software, open software users can check the source code to locate and fix bugs before use. This software makes the ‘Linus Law’ possible. This rules named after Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux says that “Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow”. Having a code that anyone can edit might sound like a bad idea, but it is the greatest advantage of open source technology.


The fact that open-source software is a product of thousands of developers makes it better for most enterprises as it comes with a lot of enhancements and innovative features. Users can also alter the original code to makes it more friendly to their intended use — something that is not available in licenced software. This software, for example, C# open-source library from IronPDF allows users to make what they want by improving what the vendor thought they wanted.


Unlike licenced software where users depend on the vendor’s vision, opensource software gives users the freedom to make their decisions on what they wish to do with the software. This means that you don’t have to rely on the manufacturer updates whenever there are changes needed. You can easily get help from a global community of developers and users at any time.

It’s The Future

Recent trends in opensource software like the acquisition of Red Hat by IBM and GitHub by Microsoft shows that it is the future. Most developers in web, mobile and cloud solutions are increasingly shifting to open source technology, meaning future architecture will most probably be based on open source. Investing in open source technology now is, therefore, not a waste of resources as it is where software solutions are headed to.


The fact that open source software comes with no fees attached makes them more cost-effective than licenced solutions. Proprietary solutions come with licensing fees, plus additional costs like support charges, upgrade expenses and virus protection as they are under the control of the vendor. Choosing open source selections will also provide a platform where you can share the cost of maintaining and sustaining an application with other users.

Try Before Buying

Open-source software is free, and the code is open, meaning users can try them first before they make the purchase decision. Users can, therefore, avoid the risk of spending money on software that won’t help them as they wish.

More Support Options

Most users expect to get minimal support because open source software is free, but there is a remedy for that through the freely available vibrant communities for various software. You can get free help from other users, or you can go for paid-for support options from leading software engineers. The paid support for open source software is also less costly and more responsive compared to proprietary software as it is the provider’s source of revenue.

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Monica Lee
Monica Lee
Monica is a passionate traveller and content creator. Her interests including outdoor activities, fitness, technology, entrepreneurship and everything in between.
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