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How to Make a Change When Your Career Isn’t Working Out

HomeEducationalHow to Make a Change When Your Career Isn’t Working Out

Everyone has a moment where they think they’ve reached the end of the line at their current job. Maybe they’re tired of doing the same thing or maybe they feel like they can’t progress any further where they’re at. Whatever the reason, making a career change is a big step and here are some things that can help you on your way.

Use Your Networks

Anyone can tell you that it is much easier to get a job if you already know someone. By making use of your network, you can depend on people who already know you. They know your personality, your strengths and weaknesses, and how you would fit in with a new job. People in your network can vouch for you to potential employers. By going through your network, there is already a trusting relationship in place.

Having a network is also helpful in finding a potential job. People in your network know what types of jobs you’ve done and are interested in doing. They can ask people they know and use their own network to help you search. Searching for a job is already tricky, so don’t do it alone. Use your network to build relationships and look for the right job for you. If you don’t already have a network, now is the time to work on building your network.

Get Another Education

Even if you have a bachelor’s degree, you might find it prudent to obtain other education. Some jobs even require additional education. One great potential career is in real estate and there are plenty of great online schooling options. Keep in mind, many online real estate classes haven’t added video to their course material yet. Do some research about your new potential career options and see if they require any extra schooling. Even if it isn’t required, having that extra education may also give you a boost when you reach the hiring stage.

Do Your Research

Before you make a final career decision, make sure you know what you’re getting into. You don’t want to be stuck at another job that isn’t right for you. Get to know the job well. If possible, try shadowing at potential jobs to see what the average workday would be like. You can even start as a volunteer if that’s an option. This way you can get experience at the new job without fully committing just yet. Talk to other people in the job to see what they think about it.

It’s not unusual to feel like your current career isn’t working out. Now may be the time to try something new. Use your resources and do some research. The job that’s the best fit for you is out there.

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