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3 Ways Energy Healing Improves Your Mental Health

HomeWellness3 Ways Energy Healing Improves Your Mental Health

When someone has mental health concerns, it not only is a tremendous drain on them, but it also can take a huge toll on their family and friends. Unfortunately, it can seem that traditional medication is a hit-and-miss proposition. At times, it can work very well. At other times, some patients will not respond to it at all. It is because of this factor that more and more individuals are turning to energy healing methods to help them improve their mental health.

Reducing Stress

If you have a lot of stress in your life, you’ll be glad to know that energy healing has been proven to reduce it. Indeed, you also have many options. Acupuncture, Reiki, reflexology, chakra therapy or shamanic healing are all ways that individuals have been able to relax. Somato-Emotional Release is another energy therapy where the patient will submit to gentle touching techniques where they “release” memories of past trauma.

Releasing Trapped Emotions

Energy healing recognizes that trapped emotions have a significant negative impact on the physical, mental, and emotional energies within the body, and seeks to achieve an emotional release that balances those energies. Working with the chakra through the root, heart and sacral areas can definitely help you get those emotions out in the open.

A Significant Reduction in Depression and Anxiety

Holistic healing sessions have been particularly successful when it comes to combating depression and anxiety. Reiki, in particular, has become well-known as a remedy. During a recent study, Reiki was performed on stress-prone animals. Researchers concluded that the procedures were able to significantly reduce the animals’ stress in the areas of heart rate and cellular functions. Reiki was also shown to significantly reduce the stress-related symptoms of a group of adult subjects who had an acute coronary syndrome. Finally, Reiki was shown to heal difficult-to-treat chronic pain, which in of itself can be a significant cause of depression. The beauty of Reiki is that it is only one healing method. Think of what the others can do!  

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking about out-of-the-box solutions for your mental health concerns. If the traditional pharmaceutical approach is not working for you, then why not try one of these approaches? If it helps you then there is nothing wrong with it at all.

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