The presence of technology is becoming more apparent in this day and age. As people from various households and establishments continue to recognize the convenience that technology-driven devices and instruments offer, many are more coming into the fold. With the increasing uses of innovative solutions, businesses are taking advantage of these avenues for the respective growths of their ventures.
One of these innovations is voice assistants. Many entrepreneurs and business-minded individuals are now utilizing this technology not only for growth and expansion but for convenience, reliability, and efficiency.
If you are new to the world of voice AI, this post might help you. Aside from learning the gist of voice assistants, this guide also features some of the best advantages of using this technology.
About Voice Assistant
As the name implies, a voice assistant is a technology that helps users depending on their underlying applications. This innovation allows people to communicate or “talk” to a program, application, or even a system to give commands and instructions.
Users may also obtain data and information with the help of voice assistants. The purpose varies, however, depending on the device, functions, and system where the voice AIs are.
The heart and core of the technology center on voice recognition and natural language processing. While many systems are not yet perfect, this technology has already come a long way since their first arrival.
Advantages of Voice Assistants For Business
As the number of people who use and even depends on voice-activated technology, entrepreneurs and business heads may utilize this avenue for their ventures’ further growth. Here are some of the benefits of voice assistants, and how they may help you in your businesses:
Increase the comfort of your customers
In every business, customers and clients play a huge role in its overall dynamic. Without them, the venture would fail, so they are, arguably, the most significant factor.
With this notion at hand, services must always cater to the comfort and convenience of the customers. Voice assistants can help your business in this aspect as they can minimize all the inconveniences and possible risks of a failed transaction between the service and consumer.
With voice assistants, your clients and customers may easily direct their concerns, deals, and other transactions with the company. Aside from them, the people on the other end of the dealings, particularly the staff and employees, will be more efficient due to the smooth-sailing transactions and movements within the business.
Extend your brand
You can expand your reach with the help of voice assistants. Through this technology, your brand may increase and grow its audience, which is an essential thing for every business.
Tidal is an excellent example. What they did was they developed a “skill” or “action” that does not directly relate to the brand and business. With their Stain Remover, they created a “skill” for Alexa, wherein the assistant knows the taught steps on how to remove a stain.
When users ask Alexa about the right procedures to do it, the voice technology then releases the information Tidal developed for that scenario. In this way, the brand always reaches households and commercial establishments even without the need for the company’s direct action.
Improves business productivity
Gone are the days when voice assistants have difficulties in processing data and information. The innovative solutions today offer more effective platforms, which benefits many businesses today.
Companies and offices, no matter how big or small, may increase productivity with the use of voice AIs. Employees and staff may now utilize them for specific tasks, which include time management, project tracking, and even analyze data.
Users may also send queries to the voice assistants and obtain immediate answers through a quick voice search. With these capabilities, it minimizes the excessive use of resources, as well as increase the overall productivity inside the workplace.
Enable businesses to record conversations automatically
One company previously attested that voice assistants help them with various kinds of tasks. One of these includes the recording and transcribing of their virtual meetings.
Instead of assigning someone to do the minutes and transcriptions, a simple command to their voice assistants will automatically record everything and note all the minutes of the engagements and conferences.
Moreover, this technology enables the storage and efficient movements of data from one device to another. As a result, it lessens all the unnecessary risks present and resources needed when executing these tasks manually.
Advanced emotion analytics
Voice-based technology now features advanced emotion analytics. While this innovation has not touched every type of voice AIs today yet, it will soon revolutionize the analytics of every business and company.
Based on studies, artificial intelligence on emotion analytics will successfully unlock the ability to make timely and accurate decisions even without person-to-person involvement. When this happens, executives and heads will no longer need to prolong every business decision due to the necessary consensus between all sectors of the company. This will also eradicate the need to go through every part and layer of the company’s hierarchy.
Voice assistants can improve marketing
Voice assistants omit the need to search for things manually on the web. Based on recent data, searches made with the use of voice-based devices typically increases the expansion of leads, whether hot or cold.
This comes after the technology’s efficiency in transferring direct calls immediately after making a search. A business then gains more opportunities to convert these leads from potential clients to actual consumers.
Today, the most apparent companies benefitting from this advantage are service-related businesses, which include restaurants and fast-food chains. Voice assistants, like Alexa and OK Google, direct users to third-party services. These include ordering foods from eateries and establishments, requesting Uber rides, and even playing tracks or materials from streaming platforms.
Contactless payments and reliable customer service
Some voice AI-based systems now feature contactless payments. As the markets across the globe continue to increase this dynamic, the world of AI is already starting to dominate this area.
Businesses now need to think of a safe, secure, reliable, and efficient strategy for payments. It is only fitting considering that markets are now becoming a lot more “cashless.”
Experts assert that companies and services with a contactless payment structure will gain more advantages than their respective competitions. This is because clients and consumers all prefer to have secure yet effective terms and options when it comes to products and services.
Aside from this kind of payment structure, having a voice assistant within the walls of a company increases the strength of bonds between the business and the consumers. Contrary to having staff and employees for customer services, voice assistants are 24/7. Not only companies may increase the trust and relationship with their partners and customers, but this also decreases the further use of resources like manpower and funds.
Final Thoughts
Projections today show that voice commerce will grow to $80 billion come 2023. This is an increase of over $78 billion from the $2 billion ratings two years ago.
The figures only show that there is a growing demand for voice assistants and artificial intelligence. Accordingly, businesses may want to take advantage of this technology now while it is just about to rise.