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Submittal in Construction – An Overview

HomeInsightsSubmittal in Construction - An Overview

Submittal in construction is the first step in a project’s life cycle. It is an important aspect of any construction project since it helps avoid delays and budget overruns. It is also essential for an effective project’s success. The basic role of submittal in construction is to provide the vital building materials needed for a construction project. Submittal services are usually provided by building contractors as well as commercial construction suppliers.

Submittal in construction management is building plans, material lists, samples, product information, and final product data. Submittals are needed primarily for both the architect and contractor to check that the right materials are being installed on the job site. Building contractors use the final submittal report as a tool for controlling their labor costs. They use the shop drawing to improve quality control of the materials used.

Initial Step of Submittal in Construction

The initial step of submittal in construction is to prepare the contract proposal. The contract proposal is a detailed description of the construction project and the expected result. Contract proposals must be submitted to the contractor along with all drawings, specifications, documents, and estimates before bidding on a project. Submittal in construction contracts allows both the contractor and builder to jointly prepare a bid for the job, which saves the client money since both parties are bidding on the same job. Submittal in construction contracts is typically filed with local governments, when applicable, and with the Contractor’s Office, where the original contract was filed.

Second Step of Submittal in Construction

The second step in the submittal process is the preparation of architectural and engineering drawings (EDD’s). These drawings are produced by an architect, drafting expert, or engineer, depending on the extent of the project and the expertise needed. The drawings are typically sent to the contractor for review and feedback before submitting them for bidding. The Architect or Engineer typically submit the drawings within 30 days of receipt from the client but could take longer if requested.

Third Step of Submittal in Construction

The third step in the submittal process is to prepare and revise the construction drawings. Revisions may be made to make the proposed project comply with local codes, to make the job safer or more efficient, or to correct any problems that were noticed during testing. This allows the contractor to bid on jobs based on the qualified design, with all errors or omissions corrected. Once these three steps have been completed, the materials, labor, and subcontractor can be placed into the bids. Any issues that are found can be brought to the attention of the responsible contracting officers.

Fourth Step of Submittal in Construction

The fourth step in the process is the analysis and review of the submitted samples. Samples can be received from manufacturers of the materials or services to be used in the project or from independent suppliers. The reports on these samples will help the construction management determine which materials to purchase, which equipment to use, and which subcontractors to hire. Analysis of these materials, equipment and subcontractors can take several days or even weeks depending on how extensive the sample collection and documentation are.

Final Step in the Process

The final step in the process is the certification of the submittals. Certified submittals provide a binding agreement between the company and the architect. These forms also allow the company to control subcontractor prices since they have established a price range. The certification process provides an opportunity for architects to receive their commission and control their costs as well as their contracts with the company.

Submittal in Construction Benefits

Submittal in Construction has many benefits. It can greatly reduce the number of wasted materials, removes numerous requirements that would be unnecessary, and it eliminates costly rework. The cost savings come from the fact that there is no need to perform more than one set of tests when a submittal is submitted. This results in less time spent testing samples and more time spent working on completed projects. Finally, with a properly executed subcontractor/sub-supplier relationship the cost savings are distributed amongst all parties to maximize benefit.

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