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Resources That Can Help With Healthcare Expenses in Retirement

HomeBusinessResources That Can Help With Healthcare Expenses in Retirement

Retirement is expensive—far more expensive than many realize when they are saving for it. This can lead to the unfortunate scenario of having to stress about making your money last through retirement and focusing on prioritizing essentials. With life expectancy rising every passing day, the length of retirement also means that costs add up even more. Perhaps the most expensive single cost that many seniors face is healthcare costs. With that in mind, here are three resources that can help with your retirement healthcare expenses so you can use your hard-earned money elsewhere.


The first resource that can help with your healthcare expenses in retirement is an HSA. An HSA, or health savings account, is a type of savings account that you are allowed to keep for healthcare related expenses. The benefits of an HSA are that your contributions are not taxed, and neither are your interest gains on your savings account. The only catch is that you have to be enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) in order to qualify for an HSA. Discuss with your plan provider if an HSA could help you.

Government Benefits

Another resource that you have to take advantage of to help with your healthcare expenses in retirement is government benefits for seniors. Your health will naturally become more fragile with age, which is something that the government knows and plans for with social programs. Programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the Office of Veterans Affairs all have plans to help. Some benefits through the VA can help you with assisted living expenses. The government is here to help you during retirement, but you have to know what plans and options there are out there to take full advantage.

Assisted Living

The final resource that can help you with healthcare expenses during your retirement is making the transition into assisted living. While having your own place to live may feel like a blessing at the beginning of retirement, after a while you may age out of living on your own. If you are having a nurse or home care specialist help, take care of you at home, you may find that entering an assisted living home may help you cut your overall expenses while ensuring you are living a comfortable life.

Retirement is expensive, and the most essential and costliest expense of retirement is healthcare. Don’t be caught unprepared with major medical expenses later in life. If you have planned accordingly and taken advantage of these three resources, you should be able to cut your healthcare expenses quickly and easily.

Read this next: Why Retirement is Getting More Expensive

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