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5 Essentials Men Should Pack While Traveling

HomeEducational5 Essentials Men Should Pack While Traveling

Booking the hotel and flight ticket is essential when traveling. However, men could be a little sloppy when it comes to packing for a trip. Many of us will wait till the final night before the trip and toss a few items into the bag.

This is the wrong way to pack as it leaves you managing to survive on your trip. This article will shed light on the essentials that every man will need on a journey. It does not matter whether you travel frequently or thrice a year; here are some set of travel essentials that will help you have a good time on your trip.

1.   Travel Journal

This day and age, our Smartphone has substituted a lot of things we use. As a result, it is not surprising that many people will want to use their smartphones as a journal. However, a Smartphone will never substitute a planner.

One might need to write down appointments, take notes, and document other things. A Smartphone might not be the right choice as it is easy to get carried away with a series of activities and clutters like emails, notification messages, etc. Besides, a planner is handy and does not need charging. It is a terrific travel companion for business trips, vacations when you need to go with essentials only.

2.   Grooming Essential- Beard Oil

Being on a trip is not a license to look unkempt and abandon your grooming needs. It is essential to try to keep up with your grooming routine to maintain your masculinity. Bear in mind that a beard left without care might quickly grow unruly, not to talk of the possibility of dandruff, dry skin, and other issues with the beard.

Not using the beard oil for a while might cancel out all the effort you have made to groom the beard. As a result, beard oil is one of the essentials that should be on your list while traveling. Provided your beard oil meets the TSA requirement, you are good. Chances are your beard is already used to a product, so buying another one when you get to a location might not be the best idea.


3.   Power Bank

Our mobile devices these days are a power-hungry beast. This makes it essential to have a backup source of power. While traveling, chances are you might be taking pictures, using apps like Maps and WhatsApp, and listening to music, checking and replying to emails, etc., which could drain your battery fast.

With your power bank, you get to power all your gadgets like mobile phones, digital cameras, tablets, etc. Power banks come in different capacities, which means you should buy the one that can power all your devices. They can also store and hold enough charge to serve you for a couple of days while on a journey.

4.   Headphones

Travelling removes you from your comfort zone. This means you need to deal with distractions from fellow travelers on the plane and in the hotel room. This becomes a pretty serious issue if you need to concentrate or do some work. You might need a set of a noise-canceling headset on the trip. It can help you get some “alone-time,” reduce distraction if you want to study and can be pretty handy if you’re going to catch a nap on the plane.

You can also listen to music with your regular headset, which could lower travel anxiety. This is good for people that have a phobia of traveling to a new place or flying alone.

5.   Travel Insurance

Many people are diligent with their passports, visa, vaccination record, and itineraries when they want to travel. A lot of people, however, do not consider the relevance and significance of travel insurance.

Travel insurance is a form of insurance that protects you against some financial losses or risks that might happen on the trip. It could be a minor loss like a suitcase’s delay or a major one such as flight cancellation.

It is good to consider travel insurance for emergency medical expenses while on the trip, delayed passport, lost suitcase, damaged gadgets, accidents, etc.

Before the journey, do your homework and get reliable travel insurance that will serve you. For instance, when renting a car while on a trip, your travel insurance can take care of the cost.

Depending on your country, you might be better off registering with an online database. This way, your country can be of help should anything get out of hand. However, this might not appeal to everyone, as some people love traveling to get off the grid.



Your experience on a trip is tied to the level of preparation you have. This boils down to packing the essentials that will make your life easier on the trip. Those mentioned above are various items that are necessary for every man to pack.

Whether on a business or a personal trip, this travel list can guide you and help you make the right decision regarding packing.

pearls of wisdom
Jessica S
Jessica S
Jessica Smith has been writing articles for e-business and e-lance sites for more than 4 years. Her educational background is Masters in English and journalism which gives her a broad platform to write on a variety of topics with ease and efficiency. She is an independent writer especially enjoys writing on fashion, lifestyle, health, and medical niche.


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