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How to check duplicate content using Plagiarism Checkers?

HomeTechnologyHow to check duplicate content using Plagiarism Checkers?

Content creation is fun work to do. It intensifies your knowledge about different topics and helps you with your vocabulary. You can make content on any case. For this purpose, research is necessary. Research is the key by which you can capture the main points of a topic. After research writing the facts is the central part. Many writers produce 100% original content with their ability and plagiarism checkers play a vital part for producing original content.

While many people copy-paste material or add some chunks of it to their work. Like students copy-paste articles in their thesis and assignments to make them strong.

In this way, you can make content, but it will not be as credible as the content produced entirely by you. Duplicate content casts a very negative effect on the reader’s mind. It does not affect the writer’s reputation but can also lead to the cancellation of content.

For this purpose we will discuss some free plagiarism checkers which will help in dealing with duplicate content.

How to deal with duplicate content?

There are different ways by which you can make your content secure. The very first way is paraphrasing. You can do paraphrasing manually. For this purpose, you have to read the original text and write it down in your words.

Similarly, you can do so through online tools. These tools can paraphrase your material by maintaining a natural and human tone.

Before doing this, it is essential to check the same material. For this task, you have to check the plagiarism in your content. Now the question is how?

Simply by using plagiarism checkers. If you do not know about these tools, let’s take a look at them.

What are some of the best plagiarism checkers?

Plagiarism checkers are the tools or software that can help you find out the percentage of plagiarism or copied material in your text.

Based on functioning and interface, there are dozens of plagiarism checkers. Some tell you about the percentage, some tell you about the sources, or some can say the ratio along with the recommendations for its removal.

For your help, we have sorted some of the best and free plagiarism checking tools by which you can critically analyze your content to make it better and original.

Some of the best free tool plagiarism checkers


Prepostseo is a good way of identifying duplicate content. It has different types of tools in it by which you can check which percentage of your content contains copied material and what is unique in it.

The most important feature of this software is its plagiarism checker to check copied material.

To use this plagiarism checker, you should have to follow a few steps. First, you have to Copy your text on the input slot or upload a file from local storage, Goggle drive, or one drive. You can also remove ads and exclude quotes from the copied material by utilizing the options below.

If you want to exclude the URL, you can do so by the option given below in the bar. The uploaded content should be 1000 words if you are a free user. In the premium account, you can check up to 25000 terms.

Select the language in which you want to check plagiarism and verify the reCAPTCHA. Then click on the check plagiarism option and get your results.

It is a very versatile plagiarism checker, and it tells you the percentage of plagiarized work and unique content. You can upload a file of any format like docs, pdf, etc. Your content remains safe in it. It does not save any of your documents.

After checking plagiarism, you can also remove it by a hit on the option of Make it Unique. It also works great with different languages.

Features of Prepostseo

  • It gives the sources from which the material has been copied.
  • You can check word count and readability through this tool.
  • A deep search is done on the text for every kind of plagiarism with its advanced AI technology.
  • It is compatible with every device, and you can also download its app for easy access.


This tool is used by students, teachers, and professional writers to know about the percentage of copied material in the text. This software is very responsive to all types of plagiarism in the content.

For using this tool upload your file or direct paste the material into the input section. After that select your favorable language and verify the reCAPTCHA.

This is a bundled and free-to-use tool. You can check plagiarism in multiple languages through it. This tool is highly famous among professional writers for making and creating SEO-optimized content.

Features of Editpad

  • It highlights the plagiarized work in red and the unique work in green. You will also get the percentages.
  • As a result, you will get the sources list from which the material has been copied.
  • It is based on contemporary AI algorithms.
  • It gives the result in the form of a report so that you can download it and share it with people.


1text is a very professional plagiarism checker that is used for the detection of every king of plagiarism. This simplified tool can be used by copying material on the given empty section. After that by clicking on check text for plagiarism, you are all set to process.

This free tool has a swift and accurate response. You can check every kind of plagiarism.

Features of 1text

  • Due to its advanced algorithms, you can check poorly paraphrased material within your content.
  • It is a two-in-one tool. Besides plagiarism checking, you can also check your grammatical and punctuation mistakes by it.
  • This tool also shows you your given text’s character and word count.


Students primarily use this simplified tool for finding duplicate content in everyday assignments and project reports.

Its premium packages are affordable and put the minimum burden on your pocket. To use this software Insert your text or upload the file from storage or drive. Words must be within the limit of 800. You can eliminate URL from excluding URL option. Then click on the check the plagiarism option and get your results in a few seconds.

Features of

  • You can check up to 30000 words in a single search in the premium version.
  • It is supportive of multiple user logins.
  • You don’t have to deal with unnecessary ads while using this tool.
  • It is equipped with deep search and advanced AI technology.


Duplicate content can harm your productivity and work progress. It can reduce the search volumes and traffic toward your website.

Having duplicate content on your pages can harm your credibility, and sources can claim them for copyright issues. These types of claims can put a full stop to your content creation career.

To remain miles away from this problem, you have to diagnose the copied areas in your work.

This is a straightforward task to do. It would help if you had an excellent plagiarism checking tool. Above are some best plagiarism tools that can process and highlight copied material in seconds for you.

This piece of writing is your ultimate solution for identifying duplicate content to make a long story short.

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Bilal Mohsin
Bilal Mohsin
Bilal Mohsin is an enthusiast writer for Prepostseo. In an effort to make an impact through his writing, he chose to blog during his days as a student, and now he's published more than 200 guest posts on Digital marketing and E-commerce. In addition to writing informative content he also provides services in technical writing for software products and solutions.



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