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Proven Ways of Treating Overbites in Teens

HomeWellnessProven Ways of Treating Overbites in Teens

One of the most common dental problems among teens is overbites. An overbite is when the upper teeth are misaligned with the lower teeth, or when one side of the jaw is larger than the other side of the jaw, even in adults. Overbites can be present at any age. If this condition is left untreated it can lead to health problems such as headaches, ear infections, jaw pain, and an uneven bite. Thankfully, there are ways to treat overbites in teens so they can have a healthy, beautiful smile!

Why Do Overbites Occur?

The most common reason for a child’s overbite is genetics. Overbites often run in families, so if you or someone else in your family had one, there is a good chance that your child will have one too. Another possibility is that it can be caused by poor habits or accidental trauma, which leads to the jaw shifting out of alignment and the teeth becoming crooked. These habits can include things such as thumb sucking, teeth grinding, and even nail-biting. Luckily, most of these cases can be treated with a combination of braces or other dental devices, including clear aligners.

Different Types of Overbites

There are a few different types of overbites that exist, but most of them involve misalignment. The first type is when your upper jaw extends further than your lower jaw, forcing you to chomp down on your bottom teeth and move your tongue out of place. The second type is called an overjet and is when the front teeth are pushed out farther than the bottom teeth. Overbites are also sometimes referred to as deep bites or closed bites. While there may be several types of overbites, they can all usually be treated using similar methods.

What Can Be Done About an Overbite?

Overbites typically go unnoticed in infants but become more obvious as we grow up—they may begin to make an appearance around age 12 or 13. But don’t worry! In most cases, treatment is possible once an overbite is discovered. However, they can sometimes be handled differently depending on their severity or if they are causing any other symptoms. An orthodontist will usually start by using corrective devices such as braces or clear aligners before moving on to more invasive procedures or even surgery if necessary.

Braces for Overbite

The most common treatment for overbite in teens is braces. These orthodontic devices can be used to treat both mild and moderate cases of overbite with relative ease. However, if your teen has a severe overbite, surgery may be required to correct it. Your orthodontist will assess each case individually and recommend the appropriate treatment course. Teens with bite problems should have their teeth looked at by an orthodontist as soon as possible—the longer they wait to begin treatment, the harder it will be to make significant changes down the road. Just like adults, teens who suffer from bite issues should also maintain proper dental health through regular cleanings and checkups so that teeth stay aligned properly.

Clear Aligners for Overbite in Teens

In recent years, orthodontists have begun prescribing a new tool for helping teens with overbites – clear aligners. These plastic trays are comfortable and typically need to be worn for 22 hours a day. The aligners are custom-made for each patient and work by slowly shifting teeth using small movements. For kids and teens with severe cases of overbite or uneven bites, clear aligners are often combined with traditional braces and retainers after treatment is completed to make sure teeth stay where they’re supposed to be.

The biggest question when thinking about this type of treatment is “How much are clear aligners?” The cost depends on a number of factors, such as how long they’ll need to be worn and what kind of device is received. A full orthodontic exam can help your dentist determine whether aligners are an option for your teen. If they are, the doctor will take measurements and place markers on your child’s teeth so that the special trays can be custom-fit to their mouth.

Overbite Surgery Procedure For Teens

Surgically correcting an overbite begins with creating a customized treatment plan based on your child’s specific needs. Typically, overbite surgery is performed under general anesthesia and only takes about 90 minutes. The procedure involves reducing any crowding of your child’s front teeth, widening his/her jaw, and repositioning his/her facial bones using screws or plates. To keep your child comfortable during recovery and ensure proper healing from overbite surgery, he/she will be given ice packs and prescriptions for pain medicine. Aftercare will vary depending on his/her age and the severity of the surgery. Most teens are cleared to go back to school after 3-5 days.

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Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith
Aaron Smith is an LA-based content strategist and consultant in support of STEM firms and medical practices. He covers industry developments and helps companies connect with clients. In his free time, Aaron enjoys swimming, swing dancing, and sci-fi novels.


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