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How To Live Stream Classes Online 2024

HomeEducationalHow To Live Stream Classes Online 2024

Students all over the globe can learn in real-time with the help of virtual classes. They can interact with their teachers, just like how they would in a physical classroom. This is the value proposition of live classes. The number of live streams for learning rose by 120% during the pandemic and continues to leave an amazing impression worldwide.

This blog will focus on e-education and the need for it in today’s society. We will also see how to effectively livestream such classes to meet the learning objectives.

So let’s get started.

Understanding Live Streaming Classrooms

This is a virtual learning space that uses live broadcasting technology. Here, the teacher broadcasts the lessons online. The students, on the other hand, can access them remotely. They can take part in real-time discussions and activities just like they would in person.

Live Streaming Classrooms – The Next Frontier in Education

Such classes are fast redefining the domain of learning and knowledge. As technology continues

to advance, live classrooms will lead the future of education. It will create a world where more people can access quality education.

As per studies, teachers think that live video is an effective learning tool:

  1. 68% say that video stimulates discussions
  2. 66% think video boosts motivation
  3. 61% believe students prefer video for learning

The Importance of Live Streaming Classes

This method of education removes geographical barriers. Also, it promotes a more inclusive space for learning new stuff. As per data, live streaming accounts for 23% of global viewing time. This suggests a large potential audience for such educational content.

Live online classes are important for many reasons:

  • More Scope for Teacher-Student Interaction

The live aspect allows for communication between learners and trainers. The learning stream keeps students engaged. They can be assured of a more effective learning experience.

  • Flexibility of Online Lectures

Students with busy schedules or disabilities find live online classes better than physical classes. A study found that 74% of students prefer the flexibility presented by online learning.

  • Improved Participation and Pass Percentage

Unlike pre-recorded lectures, live lessons allow for real-time Q&A and discussion. With this, learners can get doubts clarified and remain engaged. Plus, Students can comprehend the topic better, potentially leading to better results. It creates a sense of presence and accountability, similar to a traditional classroom. Research indicates that 87% of students value the ability to interact with instructors and peers in online courses.

  • Educators Can Live Stream Classes from Laptop or Mobile

Teachers can skip a dedicated studio setup. They can use readily available devices, making stream education more accessible and adaptable. Also, this gets rid of the need for expensive equipment. Thus it comes across as a more affordable solution for them.

  • Delivering Audio or Podcast Coaching

Educators can start their daily lessons with a pre-recorded podcast that introduces the day’s topic. The study stream sets the stage for an interesting time. It sparks curiosity among the learners. Some audio programs can feature guest speakers. They will offer diverse points of view and motivate the students.

  • Online Learning is Affordable

This type of education is lighter on the pockets compared to physical classes. The live class does not require expenses for staying at a place or commuting to a destination. The technology used is free or has a low cost. A study found that students who participated in these lectures retained information better.

  • Increased Revenue Generation for Educators/Platform Owners

The streaming teacher can offer additional materials that can be accessed for a fee. This can be monthly or yearly. This enables learners to have detailed courses or materials which can be downloaded. Apart from this, the mentors can provide one-on-one lessons on certain areas of focus. This will allow students to look for specific knowledge without enrolling in a course full time.

How to Live Stream a Class Online: Step-by-Step Guide

  • Select a Suitable Setting for Live Streaming

For a more polished feel, as a teacher, you should choose a quiet space in your home or school. A dedicated office or workspace can work well. If the subject requires a specific space, consider using that. For example, a cooking class may require a kitchen setting.

  • Gather the Necessary Tools and Equipment for Online Streaming

Most modern PCs can handle basic streaming. You need to think about a reliable processor and sufficient RAM that delivers a stellar experience. Choose an OS that is compatible with the streaming software. A built-in webcam or a good DSLR can be your preferred shooting medium. Other devices, such as a tripod or microphone, are crucial for a live classroom.

  • Choose the Ideal Video Streaming Platform for Your Online Classes

Here, you need to align the solution with your specific need. As a teacher, you should check whether the classes are live and interactive or pre-recorded. Factors like class size and scalability should be considered before settling for a platform. Plus, a user-friendly interface is important for both the educator and the learner. Don’t forget to factor in data protection and privacy as well.

  • Ensure a Stable and High-Speed Internet Connection

For stable internet access in live classes online, you need to place the router in a central position. Plus, you can frequently run speed tests to measure downloading and uploading speed.

  • Prepare a Well-Structured Outline and Teaching Content

Before teaching an online live class platform, teachers should clarify their learning objectives. These goals are like road signs. They help in guiding the outline and teaching methods. You must also consider brainstorming and organizing the main topics related to the subjects. You can choose teaching methods that align with the kid’s learning objectives. By incorporating visuals like diagrams, etc., you can boost engagement and, in turn, fulfill your goals. Finally, you must hold interactive sessions to clear doubts.

  • Conduct a Test Stream Before Going Live

It is a wise move to do a test stream before hitting the ‘go live’ button. It enables a smooth experience. Also, you need to check the internet speed and hardware before presenting in front of the class streaming. You must set up the streaming software and initiate the test stream. Rigorous testing and monitoring are to be done before starting the class. The video and audio quality must be lag-free; this will ensure better attention from students. It is vital to remember that practice makes the process better.

  • Initiate Live Streaming Classroom

This is the final step in the process. By diligently completing all the steps mentioned above, the educator will be able to conduct live classes online. Most platforms offer a countdown timer to build anticipation.

As the students start to join, you should briefly introduce yourself and share the topic for the day. This will help keep the students engaged and fuel their curiosity.


The online live class platform has become a powerful tool for educators. A meta-analysis of research concluded that the courses that incorporate live components lead to higher student engagement. It offers flexibility and accessibility to learners worldwide. By following these steps, teachers can create engaging and interactive online classes that foster a vibrant learning community. The teacher must remember that the key is to experiment and find what works best for the students.

Here at OnTheFly, educators can live stream and record their video podcasts at studio quality. It allows them to make compelling shows on any device right from their home. It is a Premium platform that streams live content on several social media platforms, such as Facebook and more. It is a modern solution that is making remote learning easier.

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Nataliaa .
Nataliaa .
A Passionate writer fascinated by technology and its influence on everyday life. With a background in marketing, combines her love for storytelling with a knack for explaining complex topics in an accessible manner.


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