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Tips To Get Band 9 on the IELTS Reading Test

HomeEducationalTips To Get Band 9 on the IELTS Reading Test

IELTS Reading test is conducted to check a candidate’s ability to understand what he or she reads. Reading test sit ought for not native English speakers as they face difficulty in the pronunciation of unknown words. If you see some words for the first time in IELTS reading test it is completely normal and still, you can get a band nine score in it.

Actually, the IELTS reading test is not actually a reading test, it is a vocabulary test. Some candidates are not able to score well because of some simple mistakes they make in the test. Here are some of the best tips to score a band 9 on the IELTS reading test.

Skim and Scan for the Answers

You need to read the passage before answering the questions. Skimming is to read a passage to have a general idea of the given content so that you can answer the questions.

You don’t need to understand the passage as you only need to answer the questions. Underline the words which emphasize on something as the answers are generally located around the emphasized keywords.

Keep Track Of Time



You have only 60 minutes of answering 40 questions. So, never waste time on a single question. If you don’t find the answer, skip to the next. Underline the keywords and phrases while scanning the passage as it saves you time while answering the questions.


Do not worry if you find some unknown words. All the answers are given in the test. You don’t need to know each and every word in advance to score better in IELTS reading test. Vocabulary is not only to know the word meanings but also how words are used in a sentence. You can learn the vocabulary by practicing the reading of passages.

Use the Correct Spellings

It is important to write the correct spellings while answering the questions. No marks are given for the incorrectly spelled answers. You should write the words correctly and check each answer after writing it.

Follow the Order

The answers in the passage are given in the order of questions asked in the reading test, most of the times. The answer to question 4 will be given after the answer for question 3 in the passage. So if you follow the order, you can easily find the answers to all the questions.

Learn the Grammar Rules


IELTS advantage

You need to know the grammar rules to solve the sentence completion and summary completion type questions. Grammar can help you in finding the correct answers. So it is important to learn the use of grammar rules to score high the in IELTS reading test.

Practice Reading Tests

To score better in the IELTS reading tests, you should practice the reading test as much as possible. You can download the IELTS reading tests online and practice on them to have an idea of the structure and style of the test.

Get Training for IELTS

If you are preparing for the IELTS first time, you should get training from a good IELTS training institute. If you are in Melbourne you can search online for IELTS examiner tutor Melbourne, and you will get a list of training institutes. Getting trained from a reputed institute helps you understand the basics and get the guidance to score better in all the four parts of IELTS.

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Stephen Charles
Stephen Charles
Stephen Charles is a renowned blogger, passionate to share amazing and helpful information with people on multiple niches. He loves to share his experiences with healthcare, news, technology, and sports enthusiasts from around the world.
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