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Changing the Bulk SMS Business Scene with the Use of SMPP Server

HomeTechnologyChanging the Bulk SMS Business Scene with the Use of SMPP Server

SMPP Server and SMPP client are the most important parts of a bulk SMS podium. It is important for users to have an application for sending messages through the SMPP platform. The application enables the server to communicate with the SMPP client by way of an SMPP protocol used for sending short text messages. The users get the option of sending a single message or several messages with the blend of the SMPP client and server. Furthermore, the server passes delivery reports to the client so there is no extra action needed for retrieving the delivery report for SMSs.

SMPP Version

The SMPP standard has drastically evolved over the years. SMPP 3.3 is the oldest SMPP version that is widely used even in the present times despite its limitations. It provides support for GSM only. The SMPP 3.4 version adds TLV or Tag Length value parameters and offers support for non-GSM messaging technologies. It also offers transceiver support or single connections that have the ability to send and receive messages. SMPP 5.0 comes as the latest version adding support for cell broadcasting.

Exclusive Features of SMPP Server

There are several features of an SMPP server coming from the best SMPP provider and they are as follows:

  • The users get the flexibility of creating unlimited SMPP users because of the user-friendly web interface.
  • Scalability is not a major concern with the use of the server.
  • There is no need for users to worry about the connections getting lost or not being stable. A good server coming from the best provider has the potential of balancing the load automatically and holding messages until the gateway becomes stable.
  • Users of the server can route messages onto the right path for getting maximum advantages of low-cost routing. While creating new SMPP users, they have the option of choosing routing rules for their clients depending on business agreements.
  • The users of SMPP servers have the flexibility of deciding how the clients need to bind to their servers- whether it would be open binding or IP-based binding.
  • Spam filtering also comes as one of the major features of an SMPP Server.
  • The users of these servers can define their very own spam keywords for avoiding spam messages to be sent through their platforms.

There is no need for the users of these servers too long on to the hyper termination or managing their platform. There are easy controls for carrying out everything.

All the major features of an SMPP server can easily be controlled or managed from almost anywhere through it is the user-friendly and highly integrated control panel. The responsive design gives users the ability to monitor and control their servers even from their cell phones. It is to be noted that these servers only work with Windows servers whole their hardware requirements are based on the SMS volume of the users.


The SMPP server gateway is generally used by large and small businesses and organizations looking to remain in constant touch with their consumers across the world. The server allows wireless operators in building and managing a very powerful SMPP environment in the most economical manner. The server also offers application developers the flexibility of using a simple XML API for handling SMSs. The SMPP gateway can be described as a state-of-the-art software integration that offers support to a large volume of SMS every second. It is also important to note that a large number of physical servers can easily be configured into a gateway group for offering unparalleled scaling.

SMS Server Gateway Provider

If you are in the look out of a global or local bulk SMS aggregator then it is important for you to avail the services of a dependable SMPP provider. The provider will help you in solving your problems right from their roots. It is necessary for you to count upon the services of the provider for managing your bulk SMS business in the most successful manner. The providers generally find out solutions and areas that completely have their focus on the particular requirements of the consumers.

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Akash Sharma
Akash Sharma
Hello, I am Akash Sharma a senior content writer at MsgClub who is the leading Bulk SMS Company in India. We are helping individuals and small to enterprise level companies by providing smart solutions such as bulk SMS, voice call SMS, SMPP Services, Smart mobile marketing tools and many more solutions. For any query or business partnership you can contact us at



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