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SMPP Services Significance in the World of Mobile Marketing

HomeContent MarketingSMPP Services Significance in the World of Mobile Marketing

Businesses need to put their marketing efforts in order to keep up with the latest technological advances. Mobile phones use are increasing at a fantastic rate, surpassing 80% till 2016. Moreover, the most important thing is, average smartphone conversions are up to 64% compared to desktop conversions.

Among 70% of the small and medium-sized businesses have started relying on text SMS services for communication and product advertising. SMS gateway of providers enables businessmen’s to send notifications to recipients in mass quantity. As the popularity of mobile marketing tools increases day-by-day SMS marketing is gaining huge responses because of its effectiveness and higher conversions.

But somehow big businesses owners are not satisfied with the deliver-ability of SMS gateway because providers gateway are not enough capable of handling a large volume of text messages, it leads to late delivery of messages on several mobile numbers, some might get stuck in the queue or got failed.

By keeping the marketing requirement of businesses like e-commerce, government organizations some top leaders of the SMS industry have launched short message peer-to-peer (SMPP) to handles huge traffic. SMPP is nothing but an industry standard protocol for exchanging text messages between SMSC and ESME centers. The server of SMPP comes with load balancing mechanism and it is highly scalable. But in order to get the best SMPP SMS panel for your enterprise, you need to consider given below points when it comes to choosing a prominent provider –

1. Know your requirement-

Analyze your SMS consumptions for last six months and also take future traffic into consideration before reaching to final figures. Once it is finalized, figure out your throughput SMS per second from your company’s perspective and calculate in how much minutes you afford to push 1,00,000 SMS messages from an SMPP Server Provider platform. If your requirement is to push 1 lac in a span of 60 min then you require TPS of 25-30 SMS per second.

2. Choose the right hardware & software

Once the SMS traffic is decided, you need to surely choose the right hardware and software. Keep in mind that higher TPS require faster IO operator and you need a hard disk with better RPM. Any data sensitive system where database connections are opened frequently for updating delivery reports and managing queue reports, every business owner have to make a wise decision in choosing the right kind of database.

3. Choose the best hosting provider

In any client-server management, latency plays a major role in achieving high throughput capacity. Before choosing an SMPP panel make sure you have checked the latency between server hosting provider and gateway provider. Also, check SLA for uptime, anything above 99.9% is acceptable.

So, if you’re going to rely on the mobile marketing services through SMPP SMS Gateway in order to win over your competitors make sure the services are reliable and user-friendly. As we’re living in a world which is full of various marketing strategies choosing a great would be effective. Mobile marketing is the only technique which is useful in focusing the marketing of a product or service to mobile. With over 1,900 million people using it all over the world at the same time. That is why mobile phones are widely used technology in the world.

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Janhvi Neema
Janhvi Neema
Hello, I am Janhvi Neema a senior content writer at MsgClub who is the leading Bulk SMS Company in India. We are helping individuals and small to enterprise level companies by providing smart solutions such as bulk SMS, voice call SMS, smart mobile marketing tools and many more solutions. For any query or business partnership you can contact us at


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